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Best Mod Cranks

Chris Cook

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lol, i would say monty's but thats cos i just got some on my new bike . .they are certainly the lightest which is good but i have snapped a right arm and a left arm monty crank in the last month and a bit so im not sure anymore if they are strong. . having said that both were second hand (Y)

but yeah, i would go with monty's still (Y)


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Monty cranks are great-light and strong.

What mod frame are you running it on? Only asking, as if you were running an ultra-short reach bike, Id opt for short cranks (e.g. the montys at 158mm if you want low weight too), whereas if you are running a long bike with loads of cockpit room to move around in, I would personally opt for slightly longer 165mm cranks, especially if weight isnt so much of an issue.

It doesnt really make much difference to be honest though- I run montys on a 1040 wheelbase zona and they are fine (Y)

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I have tensiles ATM, but if i had seen the Zoo! cranks at the time, then i would have probably bought them, not dissing the tensiles, i love them, but just to try something new!

Be diffrent!, get Zoo!

Im sure your wont be disapointed, as with the montys, you might, as lots have been snapping latly!

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echos for sure, montys arent all that special, and only come in a short length which ive found sucks, especially since i have a stock background like yourself. my echoes on both my bikes have ben solid and reliable (Y) but if you can get that extra bit of cash go for tensiles-they are well nice :D i miss mine (Y)

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I've got the Zoo!s with a long Echo Team and I love 'em! Long cranks are great, twice the power with half the moverment (or so it feels). Plenty stiff, well, I've never had any cause to notice them, whic can only be a good thing! They have to have a bash or a spacer though, you can just whack a freewheel on without, as I found out the hard way (Y)

But very shexual overall! The new echo cnc ones look similar, plus you can have them in a variety of horrible and garish colours B)

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