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No dout pegs will offer some masterclasses lol

Im the poor b*****d that had to sit on msn and explain what apature....iso and shutter speed ment :D as well as millions of other questions

100000000000 TIMES!!!!!!! :)

and by the looks of things he took my advice (kinda)

To be fair if I hadn't told you what to use they they would of come out like a shitty brown mess (Y)

So yeh mate nice one for listening (the 5th time) and im sure all you need to do is just tweek the settings a bit and they'll be good.

Tip: When shooting light trails dont shoot into on coming cars, as you have found out they just overpower the shot and make it look way to bright. Always shoot cars going away from you, this is good if your stood by the side of the road in say a layby, then point in the same directin the cars are going. This will be much better, the red off a tail light is quite dark but still bright enough to stand out against the black sky. White is the complete opposite to black so will look to powerfull.

Anyway milkey those first 2 are very cool, espically the second one.

Keep trying mate and any advice give us a shout (god im gonna regret saying that)

:- Rob

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