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Best Way To Back Wheel ?

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I think you can get higher with just bunny hopping but sometimes you need to back wheel to keep on a wall to gap but for getting up ledges then bunnyhop but small thin walls you need to back wheel to keep the balance.


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Right. Well...

Basically, there's no real point in riding a mod as though you were riding a stock. The difference in wheelsizes and geometry mean that mods and stocks have different strengths, and one of the strengths of mods is that you can just chuck 'em up walls or whatever.

Because of this the half-pedal/full-pedalstroke pedal-up to back wheel is one of the best ways of backwheeling a mod. In essence, you use a quarter stroke to lift the front, and then the last quarter stroke to send the bike upwards - however, with the full-stroke the timing is altered so you have another half-stroke or so before you heft the front, giving you a bit more power.

Anyway, pedalling aside, this is basically how it goes:




Unfortunately there's no shot from the start of that sequence, so you don't see the preload, but basically, just crunch down with your arms and legs, with your weight more towards the front of the bike. After that, it's just basically how it is in those pics. Body-positioning and your movements are crucial.

It's also possible to tap on mods, but due to the shorter wheelbase, there's a smaller area you have to aim for, and also, it's not necessarily as effective on a mod as it is on a stock. However, they still feel cool as shit, so go out and learn them anyway >_<

Lastly, there's bunnyhopping. This is again something mods are really good for. Basically, make sure you can manual for a short distance first so you get the idea of lifting the front, and then just really exagerate your body motions. The higher the object, the more you have to accentuate your body movement. For example, on a longer bike especially going up a higher object, you really have to pump down over the front end to help loft it. After that, really concentrate on thrusting the bike up the object. Just start small and work up, basically, although don't waste time doing what everyone does and learn it up curbs - there's no point. You have to do it up something with a decent up to it simply because otherwise you end up bunnyhop-gapping to backwheel, instead of just bunnyhopping to back wheel. The techniques are different, so make sure you're doing it right :blink:

This is just a quick vid of a 4ft bunnyhop->backwheel. The technique's fairly similar on my longer Zona (just over 2 inches longer, from a 990mm-ish wheelbase to a 1040mm-ish wheelbase), but again you have to really exagerate the pre-load to sail the bike up the wall.

But yeah, make sure your technique is good then just go out and practise as much as you can.

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