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Whats The Scariest Thing Youve Tried? :sick:


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Hmm so many things such a little forum. what to pick, well at the moment im working on going for a drop off a boiler house, its not massive but when im onto of it, then it seems to quadruple in size. also a couple weeks ago i went for a drop gap and looped out hit my head hard and hurt my arse badly, i wanna go for it again but as of yet have not plucked up the courage, its dodgy you see because the landing is a slippery ledge.

Common guys lets hear it, im sure theres some other t-f newbies that have some mental stuff under there belts.

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hey people,

i aint a newbe but i can remember when i was learning there was this huge gap about 8 foot wide and a drop to awall running away from it with a small run up, i could never get the courage to do it and now i can piss it every time. if you try something out of yuor reach you wil learn to ride aswel as you need tot to ride that line, so go out there and try something impossible!!


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mine was a drop but its easy now!!! trying bigger drops now though!!!


It's such a good feeling when I can't do a drop or a gap or anything and I go back a month later, and instead of standing there for ages then bailing out and just getting frustrated, I usually end up laughing at my self because it just seems so easy and I just ace it (Y) .

Edited by tom_wilko
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