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Computer Games Etc

Jonny Jones

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Im writing an essay on 'How interactive works affect the user' and so basically, when you play computer games or use other interactive bits and bobs (PSPs, DVD's + whatever else if you can think of any), how do they make you feel/act during and after playing/interacting with them?

Feel free to go off on tangents, just express yourself, anything counts, as long as its anything to do with interactive works.

Many thanks in advance (Y)


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Ok to put things in perspective I play alot of counter strike and I have urges to stick a belt around my head and pretend im rambo I go out on my street threatening the old folk outside there homes sometimes I even pretend im rushing a house with a grenade in one hand and a glock in the other just makes me wanna kill everyone!!111!!

no not really,

Reality is apart from computer games when I play cs im usally totally concentrated on the other sides movements and there heads hopefully, You can never really compare the real thing to any computer game, technolgey just hasnt evovled enough to experience that sort of realism. Games like GTA are humourous but also quite violent but we cant pin point it to some kid playing a game like GTA and trying to recreate it in real life, in my honest opinion the person who trys to recrate that sort of violence has got to be mentally unstable at the start you just cant blame a game maybe it triggers it?

I know it isnt the sort of thing your after but im bored and wanted to type something out even if it makes no sense :)


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In all honesty, there are only two noticeable feelings I get when I play computer games. Anger and Achievement. I get really into a game I'm playing and every time I make a mistake I get seriously pissed off and swear profusely. I can't help it, it's just something I do. I broke 3 PS2 controllers while playing Need for Speed: Underground II because it seriously pisses me off when I mess up something I know I can do, or when someone else (in this case an AI driver) prevents me from doing what I want (win the race). As for the achievement, it's pretty much self explanatory.

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If i watch a film with loads of fighting and people beating the s**t out of people it makes me feel a violent like i want to hit someone i hate sorta thing..

And on various occasions i have thrown a ps2 controller on the floor or whacked it against the wall whilst playing GTA or something like that.

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yeah i get that too, its normal :ermm:

Video games don't really effect me, obviously if it's a scary/edgy film i get a bit on edge after playing it, but i don't get "influenced" like some people like you hear about on the news.

Like that guy who killed that other kid with a claw hammer, and they blamed it on the game "manhunt". I have played that game and i didnt go round stabbing people afterwards. People don't get influenced they just lose all sense of reality.

Sorry i'm done now :$


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It sounds wierd but after I've watched a film with loads of swearing I just have the urge to swear. :huh::ermm:

Is that normal? :S:lol:

No its not normal. From what you say, if you were to see a flim with lots of killing in youd go out and kill. Dont give the nanny state weenies amo.

If i watch a film with loads of fighting and people beating the s**t out of people it makes me feel a violent like i want to hit someone i hate sorta thing..

And on various occasions i have thrown a ps2 controller on the floor or whacked it against the wall whilst playing GTA or something like that.

Thats nothing I get so pissed off with games when I get stuck or fail something over and over. Its resulted in bust controllers and a blown TV. My computer monitor flickers and hisses becasue I hit it when I get pissed off. Ive put my foot through a few doors and once my mum thanked me when I uncovered some old wood work on the doors downstairs as a result of getting pissed off by a game.

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siders77 - may I suggest you don't play Grand Theft Auto? :-)

Jonny - there's a mountain of research on this stuff, and like most psychology, it's pretty interesting. Eg:


Hey Paul :) Yeah, ive been doing research for about a week now... all sorts on google. I just wanted some reactions/examples from the forum.

Everything people have said so far has been wicked! Keep it coming if you can (Y)



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Well as you are no doubt aware, my PC loves to crash on me. So when Im playing CS a small part of mind is concentrating on when my pc will crash next. But otherwise I really get into to engines and enemy ai processes. EG on Metal Gear solid 2, I used to win that gave so much because I knew you could strangle a guy 10 times without killing him (11th would) and stuff like that.

CS I pretend Im henno off Ultimate force. No actually the scottish guy cos I just rush in and get shot...

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it all depends how im feeling before i pick up a game.

if im right pissed off and then play something violent i come away all calm . For a really foul mood it has to be SOF2 - nothing Ive ever played compares to that level of violence

however, if i'm in a good mood and i play something violent I get all arsey and excited afterwards.

I'm a bit strange cos I almost never lose my temper with computers anymore

ooh - a vaguely related thing i remember from researching dissertations at university .... (this is somebody famous's idea so don't quote it without finding out who said it)

boys tend to prefer games where you break things (quake) and girls tend to prefer games where you tidy stuff up(tetris)...

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In all honesty, there are only two noticeable feelings I get when I play computer games. Anger and Achievement. I get really into a game I'm playing and every time I make a mistake I get seriously pissed off and swear profusely. I can't help it, it's just something I do. I broke 3 PS2 controllers while playing Need for Speed: Underground II because it seriously pisses me off when I mess up something I know I can do, or when someone else (in this case an AI driver) prevents me from doing what I want (win the race). As for the achievement, it's pretty much self explanatory.

Exactly, minus the breaking of things.

I play COD2 and everyone i play is a cheater online, only when they kill me of course and it annoys me, and laggers grrr. Yet if im killing everyone im happy.

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If I watch a movie I quite easily get influenced by the plot... if its emotional it sometimes makes me realise how much i've really got an I appreciate stuff more. If its a success story, it can make me want to do really well in life - I picked up a camera cos I liked the way the film Elephant looked when shot, great angles and colour - and the guy taking photos looked cool! lol!

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Well as you are no doubt aware, my PC loves to crash on me. So when Im playing CS a small part of mind is concentrating on when my pc will crash next. But otherwise I really get into to engines and enemy ai processes. EG on Metal Gear solid 2, I used to win that gave so much because I knew you could strangle a guy 10 times without killing him (11th would) and stuff like that.

CS I pretend Im henno off Ultimate force. No actually the scottish guy cos I just rush in and get shot...

I just pertend i'm jamie!

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Whenever I play GTA it gives me urges to steal cars and shoot people.

I mean, its easy enough on the game right?

Nice one fella (Y)

Thanks so much for all the replies. Feel free to keep going but ALL of what has been said will be useful, especially the one about how your eyesight got better, truely amazing!

Ta very much like'!


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