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Virus Warning


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hi folks just a friendly warning

its hit sheffield uni in the following format

Over the weekend the majority of University email addresses received an email from J.Hope@yale.edu, joseph@yale.edu or possibly some other similar address. The subject line was 'Photo approval needed' or 'Campus Life Article' and carries an attachment called 'Photo and Article.zip'.

This is a virus that will install a backdoor way into your Windows PC if the attachment is opened and the .exe file is run. Do not open this email, but instead delete it.

The University mailhubs are now blocking new mails carrying this virus.

anyway thought i'd let you know, ive searched online about it and it sees to take a similar format of saying file/picture approval, mainly from company addresses (being a uni i think they just changed it to yale).

hope this helps


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I think you'd have to be pretty stupid to open an attachment from someone you don't know that contains a zip file and once extracted it turns out not to be pictures at all but an executable file, so u think "what the hell, i'll just see what it is :S "

If your that stupid you deserve to get it, unless its a really nasty one.. i don't think anyone deserves the hassle they give out.

Cheers for the intel though.

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Here at loughborough:

There are two viruses going the rounds. You will be protected if you have

the latest anti-virus that file 4684. For further details see


Nyxem / My Wife


The BBC has a news item http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/technology/4661582.stm

warning of this virus designed to delete files.

Brepibot variant


A new bot (a Brepibot variant) is being actively spammed. In the last couple

of hours we received several samples of the bot:

Photo and Article.exe

Transaction and Billing Services.exe.1


This bot is working the heavily the social engineering side and playing on

the emotions of its targets. One targets a person's ego and the other is

targeting people for their sympathy / empathy. Here are some of the

subjects that we have seen:

Photo and Article

Campus Student Raped

Do you recognise this person?

CCTV still of Rapist

Rape on Campus

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kris, at uni you get countless emails from people you dont know, saying things of random importance/interest. and for people who arent computer genii (my housemate) how are they to know about the whole exectuable file malarky, she even emailed this person back sayin the file wouldnt open!

no one deserves a virus!

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kris, at uni you get countless emails from people you dont know, saying things of random importance/interest. and for people who arent computer genii (my housemate) how are they to know about the whole exectuable file malarky, she even emailed this person back sayin the file wouldnt open!

no one deserves a virus!

Even my nan and grandad know that its a pretty bad idea to open an attachment from someone they don't know. And they scan every attachment before opening it even if its from someone they do know. It's not exactly rocket science is it?

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