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First Attempt At Adobe Premiere


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As the title suggests ^_^

the riding isn't brilliant as it was filmed in 1 week. And first time i've riden in about 7 months.

if you could suggest / advise ways of improving etc then would be kool (both good and bad) :-


^^ The video has been uploaded to eengoedidee and file size is 10mb. Audio = Dead prez - Hip Hop

did try to upload to 'isg' but still havn't received my password yet :(

anyway.....look forward to your comments,


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I'm impressed with this Oli. Despite the fact you say you've not riden in a while your riding has certainly improved since I last saw it. I dig your style of control over the bike.

I really liked the intro where the video turns from colour to b+w whilst the cameras attention is on your face. It fitted well to the music and on that note, I think the music fits very well to the style of riding. Your linking and timing of song element to action element I thought worked really well in parts.

My criticisms though are that I felt it was slightly over edited in parts. Admitedly, this is something I sometimes like. In this case however, I think what would have worked better for my own enjoymant would have been a video that besides the intro, just focused on linking the music to the riding.

Overall though, I think a very good first attempt. I look forward to the next installment?

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My criticisms though are that I felt it was slightly over edited in parts.I think what would have worked better for my own enjoymant would have been a video that besides the intro, just focused on linking the music to the riding.

I agree, it was a little over-edited for a trials video but I liked it nonetheless. I suspect the next one will be even better. (Y)

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Your linking and timing of song element to action element I thought worked really well in parts.

My criticisms though are that I felt it was slightly over edited in parts. Admitedly, this is something I sometimes like. In this case however, I think what would have worked better for my own enjoymant would have been a video that besides the intro, just focused on linking the music to the riding.

I'm glad that you managed to pick up on the timing, this was something that i spent quite a while trying to get right. :)

Thanks alot for the constructive critisism, i will try and cut down on using the effects as much. Just wondered though, what you feel was over edited? Was it the transitions between clips or the effects to the clips?

And yes hopefully with a bit more riding and footage there should be another installment. (Y) i may need your help again on compression techniques :- as i don't feel the quality came out as good as it could have.

Thanks again,


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Basically, the first half of the video had an effect on each scene. Flashing, cutting, speed, etc. I thought the area of the video after you'd stopped using those effects was more enjoyable to watch. It's mainly when effects interfer (spelling? minds gone blank) with the riding. This is something I've done in my own videos but in hind sight wish for the most part I hadn't. This is just my current preference though. It doesn't have to mean nowt to you.

One more thing that I forgot to say before. I find it nicer when videos end with a fade of some sort. Where your video just cuts out, it gives a feeling that it wasn't actually supposed to stop at that point. A black fade tends to look good with a corresponding sound fade to some degree.

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Someone found the video effects tab : :- , yeah its good to play about with all of that and the key framing and stuff at first but just remember to KIS , Keep it simple. Someone the best editing is done when filming, if you have poor footage then there is no point in editing as it will be an uphill struggle.

You're attempt as mentioned above was too effects laden but I suppose it's like a child with a new toy , I was like that at first did hundreds of logo creations using motion , key framing , keying, you name it.

Try some more techniques and hopefully by the time you get around to exporting the final product you will be happy with your work as well as others.

Any problems or questions pm me.

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Basically, the first half of the video had an effect on each scene. Flashing, cutting, speed, etc. I thought the area of the video after you'd stopped using those effects was more enjoyable to watch.

Thanks alot for your comments ben. This was the main reason why i posted it on trials forum because i wanted other peoples views on how it could be improved upon, and what areas they liked about it.

i shall take everyones views onboard and try not to include effects that may take concentration i guess off the riding.

Someone found the video effects tab : :- , yeah its good to play about with all of that and the key framing and stuff at first but just remember to KIS , Keep it simple. Someone the best editing is done when filming, if you have poor footage then there is no point in editing as it will be an uphill struggle.

well...yeah, lol. i did find the effects and transition tabs :$

Thanks for the 'KIS' i shall have to remember that. although i did feel i was trying to put more effects in as my riding is nothing that special. Thanks again for posting your views (Y)


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