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just done my first part of my history exam it was soooooo borin. i only answerd about a fith of the paper an dactually felll asleep. i actually had an excuse though because i got hit by a car on my way to the exam, and i was riding my bike. im ok though managed to damage the car pretty well without hurting myself or my bike.

how lucky is that


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Maybe because when everyone who's sitting the higher paper gets a good grade and gets a good, stable, well paid job they'll be laughing at you when you're a f**king loo scrubber.

People like you f**k me right off, twat.

haha funny man, already got a well paid job mate and have my future going well, dont comment on people lives without knowing about them.

John K

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You're 16.....Tell me what job you have and give me proof and I might actually believe you.

Drug dealing pays well; and its a job requirement to be thick...

Why do we want to show off tha fact that we're clever? What's it to you anyway? People want to make the best of their lives so whats the problem?

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