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Hey guys i would just like to inform you all that NASS is being held at Birmingham nec at the end of this month on the 29th and 30th.

I was just wanted to know your view of NASS and if it's worth going to as i can get tickets for it? Also who has been to the previous NASS shows and are you going again?

People have told me that nass is great. They have said it has lots of shops to buy things from and every type of bike is there and for you skaters tony hawk is there this year.

Any replys appreciated!

Cheers BIG L (Y)

Edited by BIG L
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nass was awsome but as theres no camping or public trials riding its going to kill it for me iv been before and honestly it was the best time fo the year always looked forward to it i was gutted when i found out there was no camping or riding i think they have lost what nass was all about well thats my thoughts any way. :-


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Yea man, nass is awesome, I’ve been every year since I was like 11 and every time it’s just been fantastic. I’m having second thoughts about this year though because, it’s moved location and is quite a way from me now. Also it’s got quite commercialised, and you used to be able to pick up sweet deals on stuff, but now it’s just like buying stuff from a shop or online.

i think they have lost what nass was all about well that’s my thoughts any way. :-


^^ What Ben said ^^ (Y)

But if you’ve never been before, then you should defiantly go!!

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nass was awsome but as theres no camping or public trials riding its going to kill it for me iv been before and honestly it was the best time fo the year always looked forward to it i was gutted when i found out there was no camping or riding i think they have lost what nass was all about well thats my thoughts any way. :-


yea nass is awsome! i loved it when i last went! i dont know what you mean by no camping? there is camping check out my topic.. My nass topic

im not sure if its a open trials course this year? but theres sure to be some good street spots in and around the area!


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