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Hey all, I've broke my foot (N)

This means no biking for a fair time. >_<

I figured if I can't bike, I'll make a video.

Hey all, I've got no footage of me 'cause I'm crap (N)

So this is my idea: if you don't mind - and want to keep me happy rather than miserable - could you all send me clips of you biking?

I'll make a T-F video :Dlol

Any song suggestions won't go amiss, though I've got a few ideas myself.

Clips preferably not too low a quality, for obvious reasons, but also not to high 'cause my computer isn't quick either way. Also, when I say "clip" - I mean like - one move, not a mini video all strung together please. Send as many as you want, I'm not expecting that many people to reply :P

(So if you've got more than one move you want, just make a list :- )

Doesn't matter how good you are, doesn't matter street or natural, just clips.

Dunno if this has been done before - neither do I care... I want to make one too :D

Cheers all, and know that I envy every single one of you - being that you can ride, and I can't...

Lucky geese...


EDIT: Give me a link over here, or send them to flipp1@hotmail.co.uk

I've just done a search and there's another guy making one, I'm not trying to compete, I just want something to occupy my time 'till i can ride again...

Edited by Flipp
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