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Moped Insurance

Sam Ward

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right ive bought a moped and now need to ionsure it!!

i was given a card and a rough estimate from the man i boiught it from was 270. i could go on my mums insurance policy wich would be a bit cheaper we think.

does anyone know of any places that do cheap but good insurance.

in my eyes 270 is a bit steep for tpft as i know somone thats insured fully comp on a 04 plate for 300.

can someone point me in the right direction for this as i ned sopmething cheap and soon!!


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Honda Sky 50cc - 1997 - 400quid - "quote 240 third party - breakdown cover Carole Nash" - 16years

Speedfight 2 100cc - 2005 - 850quid - "quote 190 third party - brake down cover Carole Nash 1yrs no claims" -17years

Oh just a bit of advise might be.... i live in essex so get quoted higher than other areas

im in a very high risk area apparently! and these really are the cheepest prices

our whole familys on carole nash so we bartered some were a lil cheeper but breakdown

cover is an extra 50quid or summink like that

Edited by Simpson
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