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Dot Oil


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hello all

my friend bought a pair of 04 magura levers from a shop, but not going to tell you the name of the shop because its a bit nasty to the shop owners!!!!!!

These levers were faulty because the seals weren't really doing their job they just leaked magura oil all over so he had to bleed his brakes at least twice a week which was just getting boring for him. His dad knows a bit about hydraulics except he knows the wrong hydraulics to these levers so he decided to bleed the maguras with dot oil as it is thicker than the magura mineral oil. The oil does still leak as the lever pulls in more and more every week or so and we know its not the pads because we checked them already. There was a post on here about a week ago about bleeding your brakes with baby oil , and somebody put that you 'shouldn't use dot oil as it has swelling agents in it'. So just a couple of questions about the stuff:

What exactly are swelling agents ?

Is there a mineral dot oil?


Does baby oil work just as good as magura oil?

Thanks for any help as my friend needs a good lecture about bleeding his brakes with the dot oil


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Why you bumping it?

I told you what to do...

People will say the same.

Look up swelling agents if you are that bothered!

You wouldnt use diesel in a petrol car would you, is the same principle (Y)

If the seals are leaking, then you need new seals

Edited by Si-man
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mineral oil is what magura,s are blead with so don't bother butting any other substance in them.

dot fluid is an oil based substance which hopes are bled with.

Whoever bleeds his brakes tell him not to put dot 4 or 5.1 anywhere near maguras cos it will just f**k the seals. and these can't be replaced.

sounds to me that every time he keeps rebleeding it air has got into the system so get a bike shop to bleed them or some one who knows what there talking about (Y) .

Just tell him to get a new brake because re-reading the topic it sounds like the seals are knackered.]

O and yes baby oil is a cheap solution rather than magura blood and it works fine. But i've always bled mine with water and nothing as ever happened to them.

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the swelling agents make the rubber seals get all fat and go wrong basicaly. no matter how many times u bleed them there going to leak think its new breaks to be honest the seals are only going to get worse. there are other mineral oils around i used to use castorol (if thats how its spelt) LMH but now i just go for water. i think though your friend needs some new breaks or a refund from the bike shop.


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the swelling agents make the rubber seals get all fat and go wrong basicaly. no matter how many times u bleed them there going to leak think its new breaks to be honest the seals are only going to get worse. there are other mineral oils around i used to use castorol (if thats how its spelt) LMH but now i just go for water. i think though your friend needs some new breaks or a refund from the bike shop.


Or not a refund fromt he shop if he has put Dot fluid in them, basically, they're leaking, you need new seals then you need to rebleed with either mineral oil, magura blood or water + de-icer, nothing else, keep it simple, no baby oil or shit like that.

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