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Lever Design: Pt.2


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If you are going to be transfering 3D models around, please don't use the .stl format. It seriously compromises the accuracy of the model compared with using .stp or .igs (both of which are supported by Solidedge).

As far as the design goes, I would look at adding a few more radii to the model to get rid of your sharp corners. This really only applies to the internal corners as cnc machines will not be able to create them (circular cutting tools etc...) so if you present your drawings to a firm you will be told they can't make it (if the company is friendly they might talk you through the modifications required, other might just tell you no). The drawings themselves do need a lot of tidying up and I'll second the recommendation to look as the relevant British Standards.

Cost wise, one-off machining is always expensive as it generates a lot of waste material and there is no chance for the manufacturers to gain any repeat business. I realise that you cannot get away from a one-off situation, but I recommend listening to the suggestions in this thread as to how to make the design cheaper (unless money is of no consequence).

The more work you put in now getting the design up to a professional standard, the more likely a firm will actually consider doing the work for you, as it stands, I wouldn't be suprised if many even bother to give you a quote.

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Hey, Been away for a bit.

I'll keep in mind all your suggestions when designing the 1 piston lever for Luke.

I'm not amazing with all the file formats and stuff, due to a hatred of computers really, and a lack of being taught CAD to any real lever. All the suggestions really help, I'll try adding more curves, and when I'm done I'll put up some of the files if someone can tell me where to upload them.

Dimensions anyone?

Oh yeah, all I can save the 3D files as is:






If solid edge supports any other 3D file formats, its not the version I have, as Its a really old version my dad got off his work years ago.

Edited by Dont you Just Hate it When...
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i'm going on the pivot point being the spot where the bolt holds the lever in place (i think that what it is :$ ) it's probably a bit off, but i can send you a lever blade it you wana go all out with dimensions.

The distance from the bars to the center of the pivot point?


The distance from the pivot point to the center of the TPA wheel?

19.5mm (i think, i just added radius from tpa whole/pivot point whole to the shortest distance in between (7mm))

The diameter of the little circular thing the TPA wheel sits in?


The thickness of the lever blade at the Pivot point?

11mm (the metal on the lever is extruded on both sides, the "normal" thickness is 10mm)

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Hey, Been away for a bit.

I'll keep in mind all your suggestions when designing the 1 piston lever for Luke.

I'm not amazing with all the file formats and stuff, due to a hatred of computers really, and a lack of being taught CAD to any real lever. All the suggestions really help, I'll try adding more curves, and when I'm done I'll put up some of the files if someone can tell me where to upload them.

Dimensions anyone?

Oh yeah, all I can save the 3D files as is:






If solid edge supports any other 3D file formats, its not the version I have, as Its a really old version my dad got off his work years ago.

Hmm, that seems a bit strange to me as from what I remember the .stl file format was developed after .igs (around the advent of rapid prototyping). What version of Solidedge are you using?

I will say now that most engineering places will not accept the formats you've stated as industry standard is to use either .igs or .stp. I have an up-to-date version of Solidedge knocking around somewhere which I could use to create the right files for you (or better still, let you have a copy). PM me if you are interested (Y)

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