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Going Big Or Learning New Moves?


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Thanks a lot people. Having seen how many replies this topic had to treat myself to a beer and crisps before reading them. I guess every single one of you has made a good point. It's hard to sum it all up, but after reading this thread I have realized how many things there are in trials that I'm missing - especially what Rowan wrote about using the brake as little as possible, and Lankyricky about eliminating correction hops and unnecessary moves. This is something I used to do and completely forgot about after getting a stock. I'm on the verge of going dual disc again which was the main thing that pushed me towards a new level of riding about a year ago.

Partz - indeed that is a great game, we played it with a couple of mates on the rocks one day, really makes you think hard after the 6th jump :shifty: . Alternatively you can play knockout and take turns jumping onto a medium sized wall.

As funny as this may sound, I now feel like riding again. Some of you mentioned rocks. The closest good spot is 7 hours by train from where I live. We do have a park in which there are quite a few rocks but they're fairly small and usually very close to each other which makes them nothing more but a good spot to ride on once every year.

If anyone has anything more to add, please do!

Rocks is definately the answer, i nearly quit riding at the beginning of summer till i went riding natural... since then the only rides i looked forwards to were the natural ones. If the rocks are small and close together look at missing certain ones out, try going from one to the other, missing out one in between, or try bridge gapping straight over one of them nitending to land on the next one. Try 180's on them, just generally go with smoothness and control and you'll find riding street again is so much more fun, everything seems so much easier and it gives you that extra confidence to really push yourself again.

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Id just try some streety stuff, either try some real technical stuff like linking spins nd hops etc or my personnal favorite is to try and use your brakes as little as possible so you flow better you end up riding loads smoother and its real fun as you have to approach easy lines in a completly different way.

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dont just practice going big its the mopst boring thing ever!!

you wan to try new moves you havent done before approach things diffrently as in go up a wall a way you usual woulnt try look for more intreting lines,

i find riding new places always helps me when im bored of the ol' bike

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