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Omg Chav's Are Everywhere!


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yeah chavs suck. where i live, its all the 12 year old "mini chavs" who threaten to beat you up. so you stand there and tell them to hit you and they poo themselves and started stutterring in fear!! y-y-y-you f-f-f-f-f-f-f@$%£&^ EMO. i think emo is their favourite word at the moment!!!

i got chased by 2 of the before, but one of them was as wide as he was tall so he couldnt run that far. but the other one kept chasing me, so i slowed down and pulled a stoppie, he ran into the back wheel!!! oh how i loved that day!!!

If only I could DO a stoppie :angry:

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ye there evrey were. when ever am out riding there there .we were out just after x mas and they all came up to me and my mate on there bmxs and i could just see them muging me so i took out an alen key an they did a runner

hahaha mutipull uses with the alan key :lol:

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That programme was utter dross, but then what do you expect from Sky Three? I was channel hopping and came across it by chance- watched about 10 minutes of it but the presenter pissed me off to much and couldnt take any more of it. Trying to make out it was all about class and the middle class looking down on the working class- what a load of drivel.

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I would dude it's just im not a violant person :( i wish i was so i wouldn't get any tubble but im not which sucks.

Neither am i, but if you just start shouting and going sick, then htey get scared.

Also, see how far you can throw one (Y)

Um doesn't that just make you one of them?

Nope, its called using your brain and being faster than them at neutralising the situation (if you have a hard enough punch anyway or are just lucky)

I see it as...

...Most chavs are alright, but some are just blatently GAY!

One stopped his scooter right in front of me last night while I was riding down a steep hill, I had to slide in the road to stop, and I came off. He then goes "what's your f**king problem EMO" Kicks me, then rides off...

...good bit is, I did get his Liscence plate, and I know where he lives now :shifty:

Bunny hop to his side at speed = one piss funny moment.

Just imagine him rolling down the hill haha!

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Yer well you are kind of lucky.

A while ago i had come back from a mates paintballing party (it being his b day) so we went to play a bit of footy in his park. and a bunch of chavs came over and asked if they could play my mate being an idiot said year. so when it was time for us to go. my mate decided to go get the football back off them (by the way he had a broken arm) and they started to square up to him so me and the boys who b day it was stayed the others just left (ragh).

One of them hit him so we ran because we were kind of out numbered 3 to 1 and them being about 4 years older than us they chased us onto the road and one smacked my mate on the head he was the b day boy and I shouted OI and he ran at me my mate just ran over the road. So I was running down the path and another one came out at the other end so I turned hit one in the stomach and sprinted across the road where a woman started shouting at me (stupid women) they chased me all the way to my mate’s house I was so tired it is like 1km lol

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Yer well you are kind of lucky.

A while ago i had come back from a mates paintballing party (it being his b day) so we went to play a bit of footy in his park. and a bunch of chavs came over and asked if they could play my mate being an idiot said year. so when it was time for us to go. my mate decided to go get the football back off them (by the way he had a broken arm) and they started to square up to him so me and the boys who b day it was stayed the others just left (ragh).

One of them hit him so we ran because we were kind of out numbered 3 to 1 and them being about 4 years older than us they chased us onto the road and one smacked my mate on the head he was the b day boy and I shouted OI and he ran at me my mate just ran over the road. So I was running down the path and another one came out at the other end so I turned hit one in the stomach and sprinted across the road where a woman started shouting at me (stupid women) they chased me all the way to my mate’s house I was so tired it is like 1km lol

Thats F**kin out!!!!!!!!! :angry:

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I'm a chav and proud, none of you should judge us on what we were. Not all chavs are the same , those people that think there hard and chase you giving you grief are pikeys not chavs.



I think it is sad that you waist your time hating people when you could be talking about how your day riding was, get a life.

Edited by dan the trials man
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I'm a chav and proud, none of you should judge us on what we were. Not all chavs are the same , those people that think there hard and chase you giving you grief are pikeys not chavs.



I think it is sad that you waist your time hating people when you could be talking about how your day riding was, get a life.

no thats a chav sunshine.

I judge people by their actions not their clothing though, so alot of 'chavs' are ok in my book. The majority around my area are the people id consider chavs, and you'd consider pikeys.

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I wear chavs clothes lots but i don't really act like a chav, i talk to grungers and chavs when I'm out riding i never get shit but i no alot of hard people in crawley that people don't mess with.


Why don't we all just talk about bikes and stuff these topics are pathetic and all talk about chavs, grungers and emos should be band.

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I wear chavs clothes lots but i don't really act like a chav, i talk to grungers and chavs when I'm out riding i never get shit but i no alot of hard people in crawley that people don't mess with.


Why don't we all just talk about bikes and stuff these topics are pathetic and all talk about chavs, grungers and emos should be band.

Cause if you look at some of the rest of trials-forum you'll see people who cant talk about their bikes...............cause they've been stolen! :angry:

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dan you are one lol but seriously we know most of the chavs in our area and as long as you dont make them fell worthless they are okay with you, i get on with most people just because its easier to be nice to some one than have to worry about having a beating by a group of them when i am walking home

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yes 100% agree with you dave always easier to act friendly,

dan you are one of the biggest chavs in louth haha :rolleyes:

That programme was pointless really and just made some people

look even more of no0bs

''oh look at me my parents let me out til 12 so i can come home wrecked''

tut tut

Cheers, will (Y)

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dan you are one lol but seriously we know most of the chavs in our area and as long as you dont make them fell worthless they are okay with you, i get on with most people just because its easier to be nice to some one than have to worry about having a beating by a group of them when i am walking home

its sort of hard to not make them feel worthless when they spend all their dole money on fags booze and drugs, then you ride past in nice clothes on a very expensive bike.

Fairburn do you want a slap???? ME A CHAV???? you've got to be joking, i dont listen to dance music :- haha well not much anyway


listening to dance music doesn't make you a chav. FACT

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Yes, its true that alot of 'chavs' wear burberry and live in council houses, but it's also true that alot of people who live in council houses aren't chavs.

The only way I think you can tell whether someone is truly a chav is the way they behave and how they choose to spend their time.

I'll admit there are trends between certain lifestyle choices and being a chav e.g. clothing styles, choices in music. But these are by no means proof that someone wearing a hoodie and diadora trainers is going to smack you if you ask him the time.

Those people who truant from school regulary, binge drink during the day and attack passers-by for no reason better than they felt like it. Those people are what I consider to be chavs.

Edited by ted
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Yes, its true that alot of 'chavs' wear burberry and live in council houses, but it's also true that alot of people who live in council houses aren't chavs.

I completely agree with you, its not fair to stereotype people who live in council houses as chavs. i have lots of friends who live in council houses and who dress like chavs from what i have seen its only a minority of those who live in council houses who cause disturbance.

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