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Trials Shoes


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there not trials shoes?

i still stand by my ribos, which are INSANLEY f**ked.

Fiveten impact shoes dont need to labelled a trials shoe. they are mountain bike shoes for flat pedals that offer vice-like grip and are super comfy (Y) . Once your in the trackstand position, you cannot physically twist the shoes period without snapping your ankles clean. you have to physically lift your foot off the pedal to change foot/position. you can walk in grass/mud, and still get supergrip when stepping back onto your pedals. i had to remove all the pins on my shite Gusset pedals because my 2yr old Fiveten shoes proved to grippy (esspecially during the summer) that i had a few accidents when trying to casually step off, or bale off my bike. they are that ridiculously grippy! >_<

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just wear a good old fashion pair of converse all stars B)

Ive never worn a less comfortable pair of shoes to ride in! They're too rigid, they cut off the blood circulation to the end of my foot and it goes all cold! Also, due to them being made of a bit of rag, they aren't supporting in the least.

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