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Stupid Coments!

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why had your frame got a hedgehog on the bottom of it ?

Is that a motorbike tyre?

You're brakes are shit , they squeek!

Ha Ha you're so stupid , that cog things supposed to be on the back! (chav's!)

I'v got them break cable's, their good arent they! (iv got hydraulic brakes ! )

And the old classic "haha stupid tw*t , you forgot youre seat ! (once again chavs !)


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My Dad was pretty funny when I got my first trials bike.

DAD: Why do you have those silly holes in your rim? Surely they would let water into you rim and corrode it, you'll have no rim left in a couple of years.

ME: Well I'll have a completely different bike by then, having broken everything on it by then. And before that I'll grind through the rear rim anyway.

DAD: WHAT??!!! That bloody things brand new and your telling me its going keep breaking??!! I have had my neil orrell (Hand built road bike) for 20 years its still going and I've done over 10,000 miles on that frame.

ME: Well you should stop wearing lycra, learn to negociate curbs and once your ancient computer says 10,000 miles on the ODO, it telling you to get a new bike.

My T-Pro cracked 3 weeks later. Bollocks.

Here's some others:

DAD: Why are your brakes all squeeky?

DAD: Why on earth do you grind your rims? It just wears your pads out doesn't it.

DAD: Get you levers closer to your grips you puff, you can only get one finger rigt on the end of each lever for christs sake.

DAD: Why are your brakes green they look so gay.

MUM: Whats that horrible noise?

CHAV: Do a mint wheelie.

CHAV: Why the fook have you taken the giro off?? You can't do barspins now.

This was when we at the skatepark the other night on my Scott YZ0.

CHAV: f**king hells mate, watch this, crazzaayyy moshohz!

We nearly pissed our selves at him. Crazy moshozz.

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Going into bike shops and asking for certain trials parts often produces stupid comments.

for example halfords looking for a try-all tyre (i know they dont have shit like that i just thought id try rather than wait for postage etc.)

so anyway:

Me " have you got any front try-all tyres in 26"

halfords guy "you dont want try-all mate their shit, you want these for trials" (some shitters like vee rubber in like 3in wide)

I was like quit yo jibba jabba.

25 yr old scally faggit waster the other day

"wots that on your head mate a f**kin shell ed, woooorrrrr dicked"

his 14 year old girlfriend started laughin

then he chased one of my mates

then he got smacked

No more shitty comments from that scally fag

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well most the chavs mess up your ride duh -.-

they're not off the t-shirts donkey

I've seen both of those on t-shirts.

they don't mess up a ride unless theres a fair few of them and start on all your mates

If the just say 'uhh do a trick mate', which what the majority of them do, it doesn't wreck your ride


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I'll try and find them :shifty:

Actually, I want to get some more offensive ones printed, that they won't understand:

"If you are reading this statement, and you are wearing a burberry hat and are pissed up, then you probably won't be realising that this text is getting smaller and smaller, so that by the time it gets so small that you can't read it you won't be able to read my insults to you. Yoouuuuu twat."

I got called a crazay moschoh again today, by my brother.

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I have a funny little one I was riding on my local play park and this little townie about 12 years old came up to me and said do you pull you front or rear brake to do a back wheel or do you just roll it like Bmx. And I also hate it when little kids come up to you and say I am getting a trials bike soon and they never get one they just say it.

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