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Time To Replace My Rim


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hi,my try-all is really crap at holding grinds so i want to replace it in the near future ,im thinking of either ....

atomz rear 26"


revell rear 26".

has anyone used either of these rims before?if so how have they performed ?have grinds lasted well ?and are they strong?


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hey man i havent had either of those two rims but what i have had is

onza ronnie

onza hog

try all 42mm

all of them was 36 hole and the ronnie and try all had right sized spokes and where new wheels but the hog was built with old spokes.

ronnie- very strong rim and held a good enough grind for me but i have but around 10 dents in the sidewalls but i was running less psi and i was not as smooth as most people 7/10 rating

hog- great rim even though it was built with wrong sized spokes it held a better grind than a ronnie and was slightly wider and lighter as well and also has eyelets when the try all has not. this rim did not dent once when i had it over a year of riding and never flat spotted on me 8/10

try all 42mm- to be honest this was the best rim i have had in a while its very light its not super wide but also its not like a mavic although i have only road on this rim a few days i say this is better than the hog although the disadvantages is that it has no eyelets and the sidewalls are not as deep and the hog and ronnie 9/10

hope this helps mate

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hi,my try-all is really crap at holding grinds so i want to replace it in the near future ,im thinking of either ....

atomz rear 26"

Dont kill me if im wrong, but I think the TryAll and Atomz is the same rim from the same cataloge.

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