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Posts posted by rathergoodpie

  1. Well, after finding trials was wearing a bit stagnant after nearly 8 years (and i kinda wasn't enjoying it much anymore), i thought i'd get myself a muck about bike for the hills (theres lots of em round here!) its nothing amazing, but should be ok for a bit of xc/freeriding. hope hubs, hayes discs, azonics etc for £600 second hand, not bad I rekon.

    IPB Image

    Its not so much that im quitting trials. I just fancy a change of scenery. Although this beauty could be up for sale next year....

    IPB Image

    not sure if i can let her go though. Trials in my blood and all that! With any luck i'll be back into trials sometime next year. Lets hope so eh.....

    Hope you like


  2. The track on the dvd trailer is Troubador Session by Simply Cryptic.

    At the end of a day recording in the studio we just stuck our mc's into the booth and kinda blagged this track. It was sort of a free style but not, as in the randomly just bunged together a load of lyrics they loosley knew and i messed around with a beat i was working on at the time. We had one take and this was the outcome. Thats why its a bit rough... Im sure that this was all delightfully interesting to know.

    If you want to check out more tracks visit www.myspace.com/simplycryptic

    or alternatively, our side project www.myspace.com/djdalziel



  3. Jonny jonny jonny! looking good dude! Hey didn't realise you were using that track, but it fits nicely! For anyone interested that track was a bit of a blag really, we had half an hour free at the end of a studio session so we just bunged the MC's into a booth and let em rip! Hadn't made that loop into a track yet, so i just pissed around with it! All recorded in one straight take, with lyrics from rhymes they hadn't penned yet - kinda like a freestyle but not.

    Anyways, thats my trivia out the way. DVD promises to be a goodun.

    Nice work.


  4. ok. Improbably gonna be driving, and ive got a space in the car (only one mind, its a vw lupo!) so if anyone can get to church stretton (next stop on the Manchester - Cardiff line that goes through Shrewsbury) i could do with a navigator! if push comesto shove i'd pick up from shrewsbury. my msn is rathergoodpie@hotmail.com


  5. the website looks a little tacky with that typeface (looks like bauhaus or something?) you'd be surprised at how much a nice typeface can improve the design.

    Its certainly not awful though. As peeps have mentioned, pic sizes are a bit of an issue, but there are some nice elements (the silhouetted bloke that appears on rollover is cool)

    not such a massive fan of the clothing, although the frame tee is something i would prob wear. The typography on the biketrials hoody is pretty dire, and cut way too close to the stitching on the pocket.

    Anyways, tried to be honest as i can, i think youv'e made a good start.


  6. Wow, thats good. Very impressive - which I could design like that :(

    The robot thing reminds me of the video to GLC half man half machine, and just thought id mention (I'm a picky b*****d but bits like these stick out a mile to me), the inner bit of the P on the second page of the pebbles bit is filled with white, rather than the background colour. Wouldnt normally have mentioned it but the rest of it is so perfect it stands out.

    Nice one.

    Mwaaa haa haaaa!! its all part of the design. If you read the breifing page its actually a hole cut into the design for the string to go through as it is a clothing label.

    Well spotted though :D

    (edit.) ah i see what you mean, it should be black rather than white you mean. yeah i think ur probably right. Im gonna change that


  7. I tried downloading this yesterday and just tried it again now and I keep getting the following: This file exceded daily download limit (1,024.00MB/file). It is temporary unavailable for download.

    Would it be possible for anyone to upload this to a different server, as Im sure this will be interesting to see (Y)


    Uploading to a new server as we speak. Will edit first post when done.

    Dont forget that you can scroll through images by clicking on the numbers in the top right also.


  8. Hey guys.

    Cheers for all the comments. With regards to the fades, you can actually flick between the images by clicking on the numbers in the top right (perhaps i need to make this more obvious)

    the e4 robot is actually me, it was f**king baking in that thing! took about a couple of days to make and paint, but i felt it was worth it in the end.

    the rewire project was my major at uni. I set up the "gallery" in one of the studios (notice the quality paintings i bought from charity shops, yeeeess) imm particularly proud of the magazine ads for that project, the photography cameout better than i expected.

    all the photography featured anywhere in that portfolio wastaken with my wanky 4 year old olympus 3 mega pixel camera... so just goes to show, bad workmen....

    keep the comments coming guys, trhanks again


  9. I know there are a few budding designers on this forum (some of whom are bloody talented!) so i thought i'd take the opportunity to whack my Portfolio "online" as a download.

    Now its a flash exe (so it will only work on pcs) but i will upload the mac version if perople are bothered.

    Its a pretty big file because of videos and stuff, but i would really appreciate some feedback if you guys can be arsed. Upload is only available for 1 month due to wanky server.



    Robin Clarke - Digital Portfolio

    Portfolio - other link

    Robin Clarke - Digital Portfolio (MAC)

  10. By far the best thing i have used for getting grips on/off is anti persperant (not deoderant like Lynx, that doesnt really work) generally the kind of stuff that goes white after spraying. Right Guard seemed to work the best.

    Just spray on the inside of the grip and wnag it on the bar, then leave it a good couple of hours. It might feel a bit looses at first, but that soon wears off and the grip is solid as. For removing, just prise up the ends of the grips with a screwdriver (taking care not to scratch the bars) and spray a little underneath.

    Taa daaaaa!

    Hope this was of use.


  11. I thought it was a good effort at trying something a bit different. Really nicely shot, music would have been nice all the way through though i rekon. But yeah for an initial trail it prob should have been more punchy but thats obvoiusly not the angle you were coming from, which people dont seem to understand on here... :rolleyes:

    looks like you were trying to reflect the laid-back side of trials, which to me is more valid, as it isn't a particularly agressive sport like bmxing.

    Anyhoo, i think that the idea is there, it just need pushing in a different direction. (btw i am a full time graphic designer so sorry if im bollocking on a bit!)


    ps, like the shirt designs a lot, infact, i have some ideas of my own.... i'll be pming you shortly (Y)

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