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Everything posted by Willsey

  1. i would go for a new frame and defo on the eno mate.. cant go wrong, and yea i would go all out and get the new freewheel.. you may think oo i dont know if i can afford it but it will be worth it whhen you get it and you wont have any doubts
  2. thankyou i love you mark.. well nearly anyway!
  3. oh my god i was JUST this minute going to ask that question... can you make sure of the exact size please anyone?
  4. get active, get validated!
  5. haha yea just rest it for a while then, and you didnt deny spanking the monkey to much! say no more
  6. looks painful mate.. my dad just saw it and said his nan got that and he doesnt see how a few years trials could do it.. maybe to much spaking the monkey? lmao *ooo RLC i knew you would be validated soon! nice one bro*
  7. Welcome to TF mate, enjoy your stay and read the rules
  8. just liked bmx's and saw people at the local skate park, and then moved to trials when i started seeing more people around my area doing it
  9. erm... well welcome to the forums mate, have a good stay here and real the rules!
  10. windows movie maker will do all the basics, which is good enough, but Adobe Premier is a very good editing suite, but very expensive, unless you can 'get around it' ... if you get me.. if not forget it lol
  11. nice riding mate, thats the way to learn i like it but... !!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!
  12. awsome pictures! he multishot one is classy! nice riding, hope to see some more soon
  13. welcome to the forums son hope you enjoy your stay!
  14. there are normally some on ebay, but they cost you a prett penny mate.. but yea i have seen quite a few on ebay so thats your best bet!
  15. it could be many things.. check your ballraces are all greased up and smooth, and check for cracks from the handlebars al the way down to the bottom of the forks.. it might be some dodgy handlebars but its more likely to be a joint rather than a crack thats making the noise..
  16. oh my god that is a total no no! i have seen old women riding more pimp bikes than that! please dont its a real waste of money! your much beter off looking at ebay for some secondhand frame that someone has taken care of but not really used and decided to clear the shed out and sell..
  17. looks smart my friend but yes the crank is a letdown and what is with the back disc AND the magura? your asking for a bent disc lol.
  18. looks fun thanks for sharing i love the pic with the big bald b*****d walking past lol
  19. that is as ugly as hell! its cheap and nasty! it could look ok IF you were to cut down the end of the spoon where it just sticks out... then maybe it would be acceptable
  20. why strip a bike for the fun of it though? lol an amazing little quote for all of you to use and remember! Willsey: If it isnt broken.... Dont try and fix it! haha
  21. its amazing how this video is so popular and you can relate it back to this site
  22. Welcome to TF, enjoy your stay
  23. i think it looks very smart and yea the brake mounts would reallly suit it, but its fine as it is .. maybe one day you could swap you maguras for a red set that would look mint!
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