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Everything posted by Lock-N-Load

  1. that's how people survive in the world Do you use artcut to design in aswell?? I got some software free with my plotter and it's just for cutting (it's shite so i don't use it) called PLTDraw (i think). I now use a very good design/plot package. *edit:*
  2. I used the image you provided and vectorised it so all Invader has to do is open and plot.. I didn't add your name as I simply dont have the correct font used so it won't look the same.. Invader ... File is an .eps so just import it zoo_.zip (*I'm a signwriter by trade so I can do this and if you need any help invader..give me a shout *)
  3. Hi, Can someone please either scan their own or get dimensions of a snail cam please?? I will be needing a picture and the size of the large hole in the centre please if someone could help me that would be great!! Thanks in advance
  4. What software you using to produce these?? Printed or vinyl?? Where do you work?? J/W.
  5. Pink vinyl used in sign making? then cover in either rim tape or other tape.
  6. Beats being called bartman (my name being brett, nicknamed bert/bart/bartman) lol
  7. I understand don't worry...not like you would anyway Thanks for the comments, (and yeah it was just one i found on google so anyone could pick it) Crawford!
  8. Thoughts on this one?? Not done yet (photoshopped so I could see what it looked like)
  9. Welcome to the forum mate. Crawford!
  10. I think he meant spammy !JaMmY!
  11. Welcome to the forums. Have a good look around. (Don't forget about the search button )
  12. Why is there a strange kink in the top tube? Crawford!
  13. Red Faction ***! :thumbsup:
  14. Hope you get it back. Good Luck! Hate twocer's!
  15. Yeah i understand. :thumbs up: Im going to make the one that was designed above and will post pics purely because you put effort into designing one.
  16. now that's what im talking about! as i said i have about 35 pallets so that is JUST doable at 37 and yes.. your in the lead :thumbs up:
  17. Haha! You knew what i meant! Edit:**All the pallets that i have are NOT all the same so there will be some odd ones. just use the dimensions of a normal pallet which is about 800mm x 1200mm, and i will just move some pallets to suit the design.** ** Also the pallets are at my dads farm so i cannot measure them so just use the dimensions : 800mm x 1200mm, some maybe 5 - 10 might be 1200mm x 1200mm. I can find out exact dims this weekend.**
  18. Im still new to trials so something good to learn on :thumbsup: Do whatever you want ... go wild Thanks for the reply too :thumbsup:
  19. I got about 35 pallets and was wondering who would take up the challenge to design a trials course. Use a CAD program, any 3d design program ... or whatever you like. Would anyone do this? I will make the winning design and post pics :thumbsup: Come on ... give it a go! :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
  20. Thunder - When love walked in. haha was listening to it when i met my girlfriend
  21. Onza T-pro's are excellent bikes to learn on :thumbsup:
  22. Is this BB any good? Echo ISIS
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