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Everything posted by SomeoneNew

  1. aah well at least this thread is putting a smile on my face.
  2. All those topics and threads I listed show what people actually ride!
  3. http://www.trials-forum.co.uk/forum/index....showtopic=80904 and http://www.trials-forum.co.uk/forum/index....showtopic=75968 ooh theres also http://www.trials-forum.co.uk/index.php?showforum=32. I think the motto of the story is use the search and your eyes Ooh and I've got a monty Urban and its rubbish mainly because i cant afford decent bits that work!
  4. Anyone riding anywhere close to lincoln tonight I'm sooo bored and have finished work early!!
  5. I might be able to go if im not working! Hopefully this time i'll ride more and wont spend about 2hours with a flat
  6. anyone up for riding lincoln tonight? finished work early and really fancy riding with some people!
  7. Theres no need for the running commentary. people read the topic and if you want to make a list edit your first post
  8. Right Scunthorpe ride on Sunday!! meet at the station at 1 - 1.30ish
  9. I live in lincoln and need people to ride with! Might be going to scunthorpe for a ride on sunday!
  10. tie wrap some old tyre round your cs. thats what I've done and it's sooo silent
  11. Your not allowed to try and sell or swap things in NMC I'm afraid. You might get in a bit of trouble
  12. Monday sounds like a plan for me and no I don't have any vids I'm afraid
  13. lol noone I thinks thats the problem! I did go to notts yesterday for a ride with a few people though that was really kool. I really can't afford to take the night off I'm sorry!
  14. I work at damons. I don't have any vids because I've only just started riding again and I'm rather rubbish!
  15. I wish i could but i desperately need the money. My next day off is monday so I can ride then if you want to!
  16. nope afraid not i start work in a couple of hours
  17. hehe erm I'm Lewis, you don't know me I think. I rode with you once for about 10mins I had a saracen xile at the time. Mainly working at the mo but hopefully get to ride a lot soon
  18. I live in lincoln but im working all weekend will be able to ride next week though add me to msn if you want to arrange owt (figo441@hotmail.com) Edit: erm just noticed your name and are you the parr that rode with paul and pegglar? on the pace (this was from about 3years ago when i first attempted to ride)
  19. aww rubbish it seemed alright when i was there last time
  20. Spalding on monday anyone? Could do with someone from/who knows the place as i havent been in a great many years!
  21. I'm up for that add me to msn figo441@hotmail.com Lewis Edit: Should be at notts station for 11.28
  22. SomeoneNew

    Koxx Team

    Erm I don't know whether i should put this here, but i didn't see the point in starting a new topic for it! does anyone know where i can download some videos of kenny? I looked on the koxx website but they don't have a little section for him
  23. Ace well the only days im free at the moment are thursday this week and monday next week silly work! silly overdraft!! lol
  24. Aceness aslong as its all nice and small as im rather pants
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