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Everything posted by JsyJoel93

  1. Got me one of thems i've learnt everything on it, 1000mm wheelbase is a wee bit short for trying bigger gaps and sidehops but for £250 you got yourself a good deal I've got a set of '07 blue echo rims, Blue ZOO!'s and citrus's on mine and sprayed it white...looks so sexy !
  2. I'll second that, it's trials - forum dude, make a worthwile topic. Joel
  3. Very nice edit Love the intro. How long have you been riding ? Joel
  4. See Tom, this is why no-one can believe you're actually validated !! Anyway, Adam! first off welcome to the forum my dear. 2ndly Stop riding Crissi and start riding your bike again You better come out tomorrow boy ! Joel
  5. LMAO !! watched 3 vids on forum tonight and every one of them has that song on it, puts you off the riding when that comes on...grrrr, but over all for 4 months on a mod you're doing realy well Joel
  6. Aww Estonia's a loooooooonnnngggg way from Jersey! Nightpads Love it !! Joel
  7. 1) C 2) A 3) A 4) A 5) Both ! 6) A 7) B, mabye betweet A-B if it was good enough Joel
  8. Arite Full Member Got one in the making mate, gona get one end of this year I reckon. gonna be a good summer of riding
  9. Very noice is that a Gu ? no gurn at all !! Caption - "hmm, oh look i'm floating above a rail, whad'you know. Hey Ernie, come check this out" Joel
  10. Blue and White if you can, used to have my T-Mag Black frame with blue parts, sprayed the frame white and Oh...My...God it's gorgeous now !! Highly reccomend going for that Joel
  11. Nope you've seen the 1st 1.30, I sent the half done version to Jay (Pike63254) and he decided to post it up, but this is the brand new finished version.
  12. The stuff Deng puts into the color to anodise the rims is poisonous when it's like a dust so in their workshop the Echo 07's are a no go ! And before this thread, all i heard about the rock pads was making them seem like god's gift to trials. They are awesome but Ali C pads and Onza Citrus's are equally gorgeous when set up properly. Joel
  13. Looks very nice with those chrome forks and will you be selling any of these POWWA pads ? Sorry if this is going off topic a bit but E6v6i6l, is your pic a T-Comp ? because it looks a lot like mine did when it died !!
  14. All American Rejects - Dance Inside Joel
  15. Aritey This is Ben (jersey rider) and the vid i've just finished up editing. I must mention before you watch this that the Xtp he's riding is snapped on the right chainstay held together with a lovely bodge job in the form of a jubilee clip over a bent piece of steel but it did the trick Comment away... Joel
  16. ENO ENO ENO ENO ENO ENO ENO ENO !!! You'll really feel the difference after you've had the eno for a while then go on someone else's, it feels like every other freewheel is made of wood and has about 4 engagements, get the eno boi ! Joel
  17. Lovely Nice clean bike but what Wheels are those ? I think i see a Profile on the rear but rims and front hub i havent got a clue ! Joel
  18. I've got a Sony handycam - records straight to mini dvd. The quality is amazing and it records in surround sound, but being a Sony a 10sec clip is 10mb lol but this vid is compressed so it's still great when compressed quite a lot. Joel
  19. Bloody Hell CJ, how did you see that !? And you know balck frame and silver forks works 'cos you saw my beast lol, it's just drying at the mo' Gloss white (T-Mag) frame, and matt black Monty forks looks gawjus !! Joel P.S could you do this in dark blue with white forks, or white with white forks please Take you pick, and if you cant be bothered to put it up on the thred could you e-mail it to my msn addy pweez...onzadude@yahoo.co.uk Cheers !
  20. Deffinately, Hifi stem is a tad low for a frame that long but the team stem and Zoo! risers will set you up very nicely indeed Completely changed my bike putting mine on ! Joel
  21. Hell yes you will people. finishin' it off now Ben, gonna be awhoosome ! Oh and i had a snaap-happy T-comp which i cracked on both sides of the bash plate, the downtube weld and the right chain stay. Got it welded and sold it to a friend who bashed the living hell out of it and eventually was just doing a bunny-hop and it snapped in 2 ! for some reason Jersey rider (Ben) has got a pic of it and I don't Joel
  22. Apart from just being normal and getting a grind or using bitumen, this stuff seems like the way to go what pads and smooth/light grind do u run ? Joel
  23. Cheers, and yeah you got it! just kept it on there aswell, was well chuffed Joel
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