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Everything posted by mandry1991

  1. then ok its depends what you feel better on have you bin on stock n mod if not try that go on a mates bike thats what i did and found out that i look n feel better so all good
  2. mod short would be good stock long is big i am 6ft and find it hard go for mod short frame ok
  3. dt- resistant materials english maths science RE cope keyskills and college once a week.
  4. pennes fanny screw you piss off nobjocky
  5. a lot better then me i cant even do that yet
  6. +22 why do it i am buyin a GU and goin to look at it first then see for 400 or not
  7. white will go with black and look bloody nice and cool
  8. i cant go no where yet got work and getin my GU stock 06 on the 27th this month so happy workin my lanky ass off for it though got two jobs so hope i get it when i get it i will be up for lots of rides on the weekend because next month leavein my weekend job to spend more times on trials because every one goes places on the weekend add me so we can talk more my addy is cloudstriferules@hotmail.co.uk and cant make some dates to go ridein on what do you think.
  9. that must of hert today i hit my shin had with peldel and hit my balls on the frame which reallyed hart
  10. i was with them today and its southampton what i herd
  11. i have not tryed them yet but wont till i get to no them because i am so bad at doin things on bikes so the first time will get one of my mates to do it in front of me and then learn from there.
  12. sorry i try but i cant do english i got things i cant spell or right as you can tell lol i am tryin to get better but need help more i bin in learnsupport all my life so find things hard i am very bad at english will try better though
  13. oooooo that must hert but i dont care because i think like this no pain no game
  14. ahh i am just startin trials waitin for my bike wots it like do you hert you self all the time or when you doing somethink
  15. what is the worst thing happend to you when rideing on trials and how it happend and how bad
  16. i will but the first two weeks i am workin but not at the weekends
  17. left schoo think done shit in gcse but hay bin at work since my 16th n got to jobs now and savein for a GU stock 06 module and goin to college next year doin level two plumbing so lots of money goin to come my way soon if i pass and get in left now and doin trials so all good so far for me
  18. daves good for a short ass person but f**kin good at trials for his height ONLY JOKEIN MATE
  19. get second hand because you get good bikes for the price of a new one thats what i am doin getin a GU in mint For £400 when on tarty there are like over 800 plus
  20. thay have a point i learned that way i made bad things up now i am getin the hand of it so dont be like that ok and you dont become a member if you keep usein bad words ok so get the hang of it
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