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Posts posted by dave33

  1. i thinkits more to do with his timing when he pulls the lever, as hes so accurate he pulls the brake when the wheel is just landing and it not moving very fast so it doesnt make a lould squeal, try it your self pull brake when wheels spining slow not much noise pull when spining fat lould squeal

  2. new plan is set off sunday morning if you can or sunday night. meet sunday or monday when ever you can get to porthcawl.

    so new plan is

    sunday - porthcawl

    monday - porthcawl

    tuesday - bristol

    wednesday - southampton

    thursday- southampto/rest/brighton


    sat-london (with guides)

    sun-off to home, nottingham if we arnt all dead (Y)

    sounds like a master plan to me. rest int middle for any injuries,pains etc.

    plus two days of natty for kev an stan

    sounds like almost as good a plan as last year, me and john will meet you in porthcawl and prob follow on in my car

    can you do a wheelie?

  3. sounds like ur got air in the brake,check that the pistons/pads move as soon as you press the lever.if they dont re-bleed the brake.

    when you say you cant find a boster to fit do you mean rubs on the tyre or wount fit the mounts?

  4. dude your obviosly not up on what IS and IS NOT abuse.

    get a life, then when you get a job in retial and some dick brings something back and wants warranty and your boss is telling you it isnt a warranty claim, give him another and see what happens? im sure the company will be swimming shortly!!! in a deep bloody river!

    your all so short sighted on here!(MOST not all!)

    thanks wayne (Y)

  5. Well as you dont say if you want the freewheel or not

    Cut through the outer teeth with an angle grinder (you may want to use these bits as snazzy jewellery)

    Scoop out all the bearings, pawls, and springs

    Clamp the centre bit in a vice. Tight, but not too tight that you'll destroy the thread

    Turn the wheel like a bus driver

    When it comes loose, spin it, its wheely good fun! hehe

    ai voila, one wheel and one freewheel body separated

    dont go doing that the force of the vice is just holding it on tigther to the threads and this may damage the threads

    1 get wheel put tool on then a nut to hold it

    2 get spanner that fits

    3 long pipe

    4 undo anti clock wise (Y)

  6. I havent abused the frame at all. Ive landed on the bash quite a lot but isnt that what its there for?

    If onza cant design a frame to take a bit of trials use i think they need to think about what theyre doing really. Sort the downtube out, if there was a plate put on the downtube like the tpro and there wouldnt of been a problem i bet.

    And i'm not a beginner, ive been riding for a few years now

    the reason the frame has a bash guard is to prevent damage to the frame, its a guard!!! lets say you fit an armodilo downtube guard on ur frame you dont start landing on downtube because you cant make it to back wheel.

  7. not really very safe to just run a chain as when the chain gets streched it will slip, also when u go to bash your chain will be incontact with the wall this will damge your hub/chainring and chain, i would recomend the rholoff tensioner there are a bit expensive at around £40 but worth ever penny, lighter than an xtr mech to :P

  8. i only ever ride street because thats alls near me, i thought the sections were really good the mudd made them hard but if it was dry then they would have been quite easy, i had a really bad start as my car broke down about 2 miles from the comp,not happy about after a 250 mile drive, was think how the f**k am i going to get home so i fived the first 5 sections then got my head on and cleaned loads afther that, cant wait to the next one hope my car wont die and ll be in the right mind might do bit better then

    well done iolo (Y)

    thaks to every one who helped make it a great day

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