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willy wonka

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Everything posted by willy wonka

  1. atleast you get your moneys worth
  2. theres nothing wrong with magura blood, it just makes your brake feel a bit less responsive/snappy feel.
  3. lmao i was hoping to swap for his a2.. now im not :|
  4. different geo didnt the limey 1 have 1110 wheel base?
  5. You have recieved a new feedback. Below are details concerning the new feedback. Type: Good Rating Summarytop bloke, fast delivery with no problems. Given By: willy wonka You were the: Seller Date: 1188582918
  6. nah, they'll just attached a gun to the camera and shoot whoever wont move.
  7. sidehop? tap to 90.. yeh frot v brakes are insane
  8. you have been on the forum for about a week... so how do you know theres never any interesting posts? loser.
  9. easy explanation your shitter than you thought just get a different rim (echo 07)
  10. errrm your getting pointless braking power then, all they need is a light grind and cousts then they'll last ages and be an amazing brake dont get rock greens on a grind, they wear too quick but provide pretty good power.
  11. both the 24/7 and diamondback are basically copies of the 05 zoo pitbull their so gay, why cant they think of their own design
  12. wouldnt say tonnes harder, its just inbetween a levels and gcse... anyway, im not going to post mine up because im a retard
  13. its a giroscope ball thingy, when you turn it round with your wrists its increases the speed of it and exerts forces in different directions... makes sense?
  14. oh my god thats insane, by far the worst thing thats happened in the whole of the thread
  15. must be quite a skill to balance for 5 seconds on the front wheel with your bollocks being crushed.
  16. i duno, i think its the blue and i dont like the look of them anyway
  17. willy wonka

    Moe Products

    can i test a set too? worth a try
  18. and taps, up to fronts, bunny hops. if your creative then you can make sweet lines.
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