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willy wonka

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Everything posted by willy wonka

  1. so anodizing makes metal harder right? so would the threads the less likely to be stripped?
  2. surely thats a reason to mask them? because they will strip easier then..
  3. i never said way taller and people are saying he will stupid on mod, so i said cls is taller (i thought he was) and he dont look too stupid on a mod
  4. they did shit all, got a statement off me and the two other lads put it onto the police database or something and a month later got a call saying they can't do anything
  5. was walking down a path with two mates (walking next to each other) then some chav was walking up the path towards us i moved behind my two mates to make room for him to pass just as he was passing my mates he pushed into one of them and then punched me then walked off was like wtf happened, didnt feel lol till about an hour later blood everywhere and now my nose is wonky
  6. kinda random, did he not notice the guy/girl gnawing his face?
  7. came home with a broken nose 'how did you do that' then took me to the hospital whats the problem
  8. why you worried about that?
  9. i hope a hedgehog inserts itself up your rectum
  10. with tar yes, but not without
  11. i thought he was? or near enough the same height?
  12. this guy tells the truth, his fingers are like stumps
  13. agiain? i had to join in, i feel its my duty.
  14. i was thinking of doing something like that, unless your tension is pretty good to start off with, the chain will rub against chainstays
  15. i doubt it would withstand trials use, but thats a bloody good idea
  16. nah you cant, burns dont have the threads to have screw on sprockets or front freewheel.
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