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Charlie Jennings

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Everything posted by Charlie Jennings

  1. Looks very nice man. Only thing is: Its a tad dull I like a bit of colour Post a spec!
  2. Right. Im actually going to help you. Welcome to the forum. Sorry about all the dick heads. We all have been in your situation. I used www.trashzen.com and i just simply watched videos. Then went out on my bike and practiced. You might look like a dick on your own pedal kicking. But it'll soon pay off. Onza T-Pro. (best bike on the face of the planet)
  3. Its gone now anyway. tough luck Were next giving Web cams. Ill give you lot a post.
  4. Tonight we are giving away a free copy of HALO 3. Thats right. Just watch us and join chat. we will post it to you absolutely free!
  5. Giving away Free headset @ 50 viewers on my show. www.onemotion.co.uk/live.html
  6. The normal spokes are stronger. You can feel it just by holding the metal. Also the nipples are stronger.
  7. They suck. Go for Try-All's or Creepy crawlers (slightly cheeper)
  8. Water: Feels nicer. Free. Easier. Oil: Lasts longer. More reliable.
  9. As I said. Im trying. I was being patient. They just ignore me. I made a lenghty email saying what im trying to do. They ignored it.
  11. Well. I've tried to change. they wont let me. Its stupid. ANYWAY: THIS IS A PERSONAL MESSAGE TO THE ADMINS. NOT YOU
  12. IVe been trying to get in contact with them for ages. Its getting on my nerves. Plus. its true. They have a title: Admin. and they abuse it.
  13. I have emailed you. You ignore it. ive tried making new accounts. You delete them. Just because you have admin next to your name. You think your the best. Again: Just like policeman. I would like just to speak to an admin directly. clearly this is not going to happen. I have tried to be nice and have tried to get re validated with a fresh start. You wont let that happen either. Oh yeah. one more thing. Ive tried adding tomturd@hotmail.com to msn. and you ignore it. Please just give me a chance Thanks. Edit: Please change my username to 'Charlie Jennings'
  14. Tip 1. Wear a helmet. Tip 2. Become better than your boyfriend
  15. I think it looks really boring. I Colour ƒTW Bet it rides like a beast though.
  16. Good to hear. How much are they? I could use an SD7 leaver with it couldn't I? oh my god! I thought that was a Pitbull. :$ I'd take that as a compliment
  17. When you order your frame from outside the uk. they have their leavers funny does that mean the hose clips will be on the wrong side? Just a thought.
  18. Nice focus! Why fish eye? I hate bloody fish eye. Dengura + CNC Backings! Im Telling! Koxx/Try-all ƒtw
  19. Thats weird. it looks like a 26" version of a T-Vee
  20. Whats that V Like. I'm thinking about getting one. After discovering the power of my new BB7
  21. • http://www.trials-forum.co.uk/forum/index....howtopic=110512 < All the underlined stuff on there. • A wallet. • Lynx Deodorant + Shower Gel. • £25 HMV Voucher. - What shall i get. What good DVD's are out?
  22. we went to a cinema, got kicked out within about a minute. We went to a place near a bridge. Then we went to morrisions. Went over the bridge. Up a hill. Rode near flats. Old woman on a shop mobility was shouting at us. Went further up the hill. Rode these little post things. Went further up a hill rode a building with walls out side. Went on flat ground YAY!. Rode a gap near what looked like a shut down BMW garage. Went near this big castle. Got kicked off and the guard explained that a bmxer hurt this old woman. We rode down this really bendy path thing. found this little stage type thing. Carried on into town. Rode through this precinct, annoyed everyone. Got to this place were there was loads of steps. this big brain and a couple of weird statues in the middle. everyone was watching us. Saw ryans girlfriend. Went to this place shaun found snow. They were throwing it at people. Went to this shopping mall place. got kicked off after about 5 mins. Then we split up a bit. Me and someone on a zoo got losed. i spotted a biker. we followed. Stopped at this gap. I went over the bars. Good times. Then went to the loading bays. We messed about there for ages. Shaun smashed this candle that jeasus found on the floor. me and charles got some food. I got skittles and loads of chewing gum. Then everyone was a bit fed up. we found the station and went home. God thats a long one.
  23. No probs man Nice weren't they £1.50 for 2 box's of 6 isn't bad if you ask me Shaun is the funniest person i've ever rode with. Quote of the day "Oi, Your sisters well fit..."
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