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Stephen Morris

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Posts posted by Stephen Morris

  1. 27 minutes ago, Tom Booth said:

    I started to replay RDR2 a few weeks ago, deleted my completed save and got back into it, I've done exactly that and made a few saves. 

    Its really worth another play through, I've only had 10/15 hours on there and really enjoying it!

    Ok, good to know - thanks.

    Does it feel a bit quicker 2nd time round? It’s supposed to be a gritty cowboy game yet I find myself picking oregano, collecting cigarette cards and cleaning my horse.

  2. I wish I had Bernard’s Watch (and the Queen’s Nose for that matter!) Life flies by so quickly and there’s just not enough hours in the day when you’ve got children, a job, you’re searching for a better job, you’re piling all your time and money into renovating the house and garden. I suppose it gets easier as the house gets finished and the kids grow up (resenting you for spending every waking hour plastering, caulking, painting and moving plug sockets.)

    I was thinking of getting a PS5, but know deep down that I won’t be able to properly play it and to top it all off, I just completed RDR2 (SPOILER) found out that Arthur and my horse die and I don’t have a save file for when they were both alive and well - I just kept overwriting. I certainly don’t have a spare 70 hours to play through the story again. I have an obsessive nature that means I really need to get platinum trophies on all the games I play. It really is an illness!

    First world problems all round.

    • Like 1
  3. 4 hours ago, Ross McArthur said:

    You forgot this...

    "I don’t understand what you’ve done and why you’ve done it... and I’ve now watched it three times.

    You seem to have cut a tube apart and stuck patches inside it. How, I don’t understand?!?"

    The foam stops the tube from pinching so hard between the rim and a wall. What's not to get?

    From memory, rather than putting something between the tyre and tube, he actually cut the tube open and put something inside the tube then sealed the tube back up? Seems crazy to me. 

  4. 14 minutes ago, marg26 said:

    Talking of controversial....

    Tricks & Stunts - Honestly I've tried watching it, but I've just never managed more than 15 or 20 minutes. I'm sure it was great in it's time, and it's often touted as some sort of instructional video but it's 2020 now and I'm in my 40s and I haven't got time to sit through that low video quality and fake moustache nonsense. There are actual trials how-to's now (though not enough need more). I'd rather watch top/mainstream contemporary trials riders training sessions/vlogs any day and see what's going on now. Sorry.


    I must have been about 16 when I started watching Tricks & Stunts. Having ridden the locations and met Ashton & Hawyes a few times, I guess it just resonates with me. 

    As for bike bits and maintenance, my bike doesn’t need either. I do fix my own punctures and pump the tyres up all by myself.

  5. Great topic and agree with most of the above.

    Dance - no amount of alcohol has made me want to gyrate to music and I really can’t see how dancing the cha cha cha has become primetime entertainment.

    Star Wars - never watched it and don’t see the appeal.

    Religion - Destroy all records and wipe people’s minds and all scientific discovery will eventually be rediscovered. Religion wouldn’t.

    Swimming - I’ve never been able to swim and I’d love to be able to. I obsess about it. I’ve had loads of lessons, I just find it impossibly difficult.

    The Kardashians - I genuinely don’t know anything about them, but I suspect I’m better off that way.

    Radio/Podcasts - no interest.

    Social media - Your mum’s on Facebook now and Twitter seems like such an angry, horrible place.


    Let’s get controversial :)

    Bike maintenance - I take no enjoyment in fixing and maintaining my bike and I don’t understand why people do. To me it’s about as much fun as taking your Sky box apart to service it on a monthly basis.

    Bike bits - 4 bolt pot discs, wheelbases, snail cams, sweep angles. I have no idea what these things are.

    • Like 2
  6. 4 hours ago, LEON said:

    *Learns footjam whip....yeah that warrants a video!

    To be fair, a lot of people had no camera 20+ years ago, and if you did there was nowhere to put a video, my first actual video is still on an 8mm tape, I can't actually watch it.

    Leon’s first video was made on one of those Zoetrope things from Victorian times. Obscure reference for the historians out there.

    Our first videos were made in around 2000/2001 with a webcam that could only film one 10-second clip at a time. We’d cycle for three or four miles, get one clip and then cycle home to upload it. I think we eventually upgraded to a point and click camera with a modest video function. This was all before YouTube, so they were saved on CD which has since been lost. 

    • Like 1
  7. 1 hour ago, Ali C said:

    Haha yeah, I assume that’s the wrong way then? I don’t do them much at all and I’ve no idea which way I’d rather do them now 

    I’ve always felt as though turning the bars left (with right foot forward) gave more clearance and allowed for a more controlled X-up. I’ve not done a great deal of research though. Perhaps you should do some more of them. If you don’t, I will.

  8. Stating the obvious here, but now’s the time to go through those possessions and assess whether they’re enhancing your life or becoming a burden.

    I moved house four years ago and still have a few boxes of stuff in the loft that should never have moved with us.

    Good luck with it all.

  9. The thing is, the 3/4 of the nail that DID go into the wall, seemed to grip pretty well. If anything I might try a shorter nail.

    I think the size of the gun determines the width of the nail. My brother-in-law’s walls must be made of plasterboard.

    Oh well, it’ll get done one way or another.

  10. 6 hours ago, aener said:

    Sorry. Would love to have helped, it's just that I've never used a nail gun full stop, let alone in that circumstance. Nothing personal :P

    It’s quite fun. Cha-doom... cha-doom... cha-doom.


    2 hours ago, manuel said:

    No nail gun experience but I glue on my skirting boards, as I’m too lazy to cover any nails/screws after fitting...

    You must have lovely square walls!

  11. I’ve borrowed a Ryobi 16G 18v battery powered nail gun from my Brother-in-Law to fit a skirting board in my kitchen. I am therefore nailing through wood, plaster and into masonry. The box shows a brick on it, so the gun and nails should be up to the job. Unfortunately the nails are bending and aren’t going all the way into the wall. I suppose a slightly shorter nail could solve this problem.

    If I was doing this the old fashioned way with a hammer, I’d assume that maybe I need masonry nails, but when I’ve searched online all the nail gun nails look the same - there’s nothing particularly heavy duty. Does anybody have any experience here; are there heavier duty nails gun nails, or are they all much of a muchness?

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