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Ipod Bob

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Everything posted by Ipod Bob

  1. i dont care about warranty as they dont actually make the frames them selfs Well google maps says its 230 miles away so Meh no cash buys for me.
  2. Well put simply I want to buy this at some point due to price and a crack forming on my frame BUT i've heard some funky rumours about this site I will use tarty for everything obviously. Lets hear some top class reviews to probably confirm my fears xD bring it on. http://www.trials-uk.co.uk/product.aspx?productid=2557 I would only order the frame, but is it really worth the risk ? Thanks Stefan.
  3. Ipodbob i think is well funny Ipod = I was caught listening to my ipod in a nuclear power station (while working) in the disabled toilet eating fruit pastels. Any electrical equipment is strictly forbidden and i almost lost my job, so from that day i was called Ipod. BoB = bag of bones cause when i was younger i used to be a right bag of bones and boom Ipodbob
  4. I would like to comment matt but as you can see my hands are tied but i will say im looking for a neon bow or DoB, nothing else. thanks anyway
  5. Do you recon he would mind if I used his tools whenever I needed hahahawha, does he like steak flavoured walkers by any chance ?
  6. I think he means a stock modified for mod wheels lolz, couldnt find a picture of one though (
  7. only comes in that red and white colours but I like it could be fun cleaning my headset bearings once a month though woop, i do wonder why its that cheap though some dodgy deals going down there. Just need to find someone with a workshop full of tools to use hmmm i wonder.
  8. did it have a crack in and will they sell it lol, you tit. What you think of that neon ?
  9. could you post a picture of the chain stay around the bb please i just wanna see if its different from mine, as i got it 2 years ago, i dont mind if its scratched or anything, a side photo would be nice as well but i dont use msn sorry.
  10. Well i've got a crack on my chain stay forming on the DoB so i'm just finding some options, i cant seem to find 26" frames with 116mm spacings anywhere apart from a neon bow here http://www.trials-uk.co.uk/product.aspx?productid=2557, i would like to buy another DoB if possible but cant seem to find any apart from 20", so. Does anyone have information where i can buy one and find information on whether they've strengthened the chain stay mounts near the BB but i've only ridden it for about 6-8 weeks so probably best to buy a better frame. So on that note has anyone ridden the Neon Bow 26" 116mm frame and is it any good ? Or have some good options i can consider the Neon bow is only £150 so its a good price too. Cheers guys +1 vote for me if your feeling kind
  11. i live in lowestoft with a few people who ride we ride 26" and the younger lads are on 20s add me as a friend and if you ever want to come down town gimme a shout i have not job at present so im free a lot of the time.
  12. I have a DOB mag 26" with tarty forged stem and ill admit cruddy czar flat bars at present, soon to be upgraded but was unsure of what selection of stem and handlers would help me. I was wondering as im 6ft 3" if getting a slightly longer stem would help me commit to gaping onto my front wheel as it tends to feel like my shoulders are getting ripped out or i find i tend to drop my front wheel harshly before i land ending up over the bars xD. Ive not really been riding the last couple of years so its a new build which was rushed towards the end any help would be appreciated. I also have 2 +10 spacers under my stem for now cause it does my shoulders in if i take em off. also 1 more thing ive been a member since 5 dec 2007 if there are any kind forum moderators out there who could u know bump me up sorry for asking i know its frowned upon but you know its been a while i would like to play in the big boys club.
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