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Everything posted by vinny.p

  1. Well id just like to announce my new sponsor for 2008, CAN IT BE CLOTHING, im really happy with the deal me and owner james have set up. I know i havent been back riding for that long but james the owner knows how good i was before i quit and offered me a sponsorship. www.myspace.com/canitbeclothing there should be some new stuff on there i think!
  2. I dont get it was that comment meant for me?
  3. If your going to ask questins like this without using the search, we need more information , what bike you ride , what brake you use, you get the idea i dont think theres that many mind readers on here.
  4. Take a chill pill it doesnt hurt as much as shooting yourself.
  5. Trust me im speaking from experience ive never left a bike outside theyve always been inside and theyve never rusted or corroded IT WILL BE FINE!!!!!!
  6. How weird is that!, ive always used a front disc on stock and im just waiting for my new forks to be ordered then im getting a vee, the only reason im getting one is because i cant stand hope its the first time ive had one and totally hate the spongy no bite feel.
  7. Hope you get well soon mate , dont let it put you off though.
  8. Nice good luck with the back wheel and i look foward to seeing some decent pics if you can post some!
  9. That looked like a really nice bike, when you get it youll have to get some pictures in the bike pics thread.
  10. Another shit thing with front freewheels (i run one) when your flying down a hill and your jeans get sucked in, i once had to ring my mate to bring some scissors with him to cut my pants off because i was halfway to his house lying in the middle of the pavement, ill try and find a pic LOL!
  11. If you ever fancy a ride get in touch because im pretty sick of riding on my own (as you propably guessed from the lone rider topic)
  12. Ive always kept all my bikes in the house and none of them have ever rusted. P.S. I know this is off topic but do you ever ride in the accrington area?
  13. I dont mean mean to be nosey but is the brisa the red one off ebay?
  14. One of my mates who ive known since i was like five or something had 1 go on my bike and said he was going to get 1, only problem is he has to wait till he gets a new job and saves up abit so it could be another couple of months yet.
  15. Well done mate and welcome back, ive just restarted trials and im 21 in a couple of weeks and thought i was an oldie LOL.
  16. Cheers mate its nice to know theres plenty of friendly riders out there
  17. Its in lancashire its a fair way from essex.
  18. I unfortunately smoke and am trying to quit, i dont think anyone who doesnt or hasnt smoked can understand how hard it actually is i think for me personally it would be easyier to go selebet.
  19. Well as the topic suggests i am a lone trials rider in accrington, before i quit i used to love riding on my own but since i started again im finding it hard to do things that i used to be able to do for fun!, I think the reason for this is that ive actually developed fear of falling off and hurting myself without anyone being there to pick me up if i have a bad spill. Also its hard to push myself without anyone there for inspiration and this might sound weird but i cant properly see lines like i used to, ill try and explain a bit better, I used to ride down the street and think it would be good to go from that bench to that rail and to a bin or something (thats just an example) but now ive kinda lost my imagination or vision of trials if you know what i mean. So basically i was wondering if anyone lives near or around where i live (accrington) and maybe is in the same situation as me and would fancy going for a ride some time, keeping in mind that ive not rode properly for about two years and am a bit sketchy if thats the right word LOL! Sorry to blab on abit but would anybody come if i organised a big ride around here or something? Thanks vinny.
  20. ODI Longnecks ***, sod these super thin and super hard trials grips!
  21. I wouldnt be disapointed to have a t-pro because my second trials bike was a t-pro and i loved it to bits, it was the raceline yellow coloured one anyone remember those absolute beasts. If i find a pic anywere ill try and get it up!
  22. That forum is absolutely dead, i joined for a while when i went through the silly please ban me stage (SOME OF YOU MIGHT REMEMBER LOL) it actually felt quite lonely and isolating, then again i dont know how it is for other types of riding.
  23. I dont think female trials riders are a bad thing, i personally wouldnt like anyone saying ha you got showed up by a GIIIRRRLLLL!!!!!!, maybe im just too proud LOL.
  24. Hello and welcome back, your first post sounds a lot like me started smoking/drinking and genarally lost interest, but i only quit for about two years and am finding the fitness thing hard to get back! Nearly forgot, dont know how many people this will affect but my hands are absolutely ruind with riding trials again blisters etc, anyone else found this?
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