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Everything posted by willis-gu

  1. Yo, Just wondering if anyone has any songs which motivate or push you in some way because i have a 8 hour train journey to hell when i get there, i will need motivating on the way down if you get me. haha Hope someone can help me and any songs i will be grateful for Thanks Willis x
  2. NIce pics man, seen to be improving like! Looks like you like riding rails? I fooooking love riding them! haha
  3. Or....NE1 7RU is for the uni over the road from the skate park......even closer!!!! Boooo you!
  4. Yo havnt come up with a post code yet, but heres directions and a small map of where abouts it is etc http://www.exhibitionpark.co.uk/location.php
  5. Thanks for all the comments so far people! Keep them coming :-P x
  6. ok er al try and get some sort of post code lol SNOW! Wtf haha
  7. if anyone is driving, park at the skate park towards the top of newcastle near st james park as its only £1 and thats where everyone parks, then just meet in the skate park for 11ish? Al get nicks number and give him mine, al meet anyone at the train station, then goto the skatepark!
  8. New video of me riding the t-pro, with a few clips on my new echo, maybe the last full video from me depending on how things go. Big thanks to ste robson for lending me his camera and to everyone who flimed! Also thanks to craig for the new bike! video!
  9. Probs an unwanted clips as per, laugh!
  10. adams gettting better mind! loves the bit side over! haha ride soon man
  11. Didnt look the best...if i am honest it looked shit. Everything from the weather, crouds, sections and amount of riders. When it was held at Butiers and i seen the video, all i wanted to do was ride, and it would be like awsome to ride there, then seing this place of the K-124 days in 2010, i dont want to even push my bike through there! I think due to the weather conditions too, people who went and rode will have been pissed off, bikes getting all ming etc and also it made watching it unplesent too!
  12. willis-gu

    Brett Penfold

    Ok basically, few clips i have of Brett. I got a few yesterday riding him atoms, and the rest were off last year sometime. It doesnt look that big on camera but trust me, they are! Comments would be nice. Also telling him to get a f**king video out would be nice, he doesnt seem to listen to anyone who tells him too!!
  13. Beast man! should come up to ride newcastle you'l love it i recon!
  14. That new place has nout on brouthiers or however its spelt. Did you go Sam?
  15. Thanks for comments so far! Loving the new bike mind!
  16. haha, plims for the win!
  17. whats the song, i asked this last time the vid was up but i fogot!
  18. Mine used to do it, just gota put up with it really lol
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