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Duncy H

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Posts posted by Duncy H

  1. Think I have a canon fd 29mm f2.8 knocking around, that any good to you?

    I use the canon 50mm f1.8 a fair bit on my inherited 7d. I really like the images it produces especially for the money, only thing that lets it down is the auto focus can be a little slow for fast moving stuff but I compensate by manual focussing in these cases. Here's some examples I've shot with mine:





  2. Reason being going for a 70-200 is that I want to shoot some wildlife while I'm out there too as well as lots of riding. Reason for no full frame is I shoot mostly riding so like the the higher frame rate of the 7d.

    85mm is a good shout anyway just done a bit of reading up on it cheers.

  3. I had a dream last night that Dave Barratt (isitafox) picked me up in a lightweight futuristic helicopter from outside my house with some shady guy. I tried to offer money for fuel but isitafox said it was cool cause he gets his petrol free through work.

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  4. I also agree, lens makes most difference. Speaking of that I've got to decide what gear I'm taking with me to Canada, going for about 4 months and need to decide what lenses to take. I'll be taking a 7d out (looked into upgrading to mk2 but not sure it's worth it) and have the option to take out with me a 50mm 1.8, 17-55 2.8 is, 10-22 3.5-4.5, and a cheapo 29mm pentacon 2.8. My favourite lens is my dad's 70-200mm 2.8 is lens but he won't let me take it out with me :( I'm really unsure what to do, purchase a variant of the 70-200 for myself and or trade some lenses in against it or stick to my guns or upgrade to a 7d mk2? Any advice? Bearing in mind when I come back I'll have access again to my dad's 70-200mm.

    Saying all that I captured this on a 29mm full manual pentacon lens I picked up for £15 :) It was incredibly dark hence the noise/grain.


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  5. Cool beans cheers guys I thought as much. Hopefully go out together saturday anyway (it's our only day off together) but nothing cliche or anything like that and not so much emphasised on the fact it's valentines day.

    I've never got the deal with mothers day or fathers day either, they just seem again like commercial ideas to make more money. I've heard there is such a thing as Grandmothers and Grandfathers day now :blink:

  6. Enjoyed that for a change, can see it being a lot more appealing for outsiders rather than people seeing riders having a huge tactical dab which is just not cool.

    Even made me want to have a go and I haven't had a trials push bike for a couple of years now (blimey that's longer than I thought), suppose I could join the mtb crew.

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  7. I don't want to commit one way or the other at the moment, I'd love to come down and have a go, take some pics and meet you guys but my Canada fund isn't growing enough at the moment. By all means don't save a spot for me but I may well join late on, I should be able to get off work easy if need be.

  8. American sniper was a bit underwhelming for me too. I didn't dislike it by any means but it didn't set my world on fire.

    Edit: Seen se7en recently too, again enjoyed it but kind of felt it lacked something.

  9. No, I had an EE contract coming to an end, when you get an iPhone it is unlocked (you can put any sim card in it) but whichever sim card you put in first it locks it to that network. So I have an iPhone that is locked to EE that I want to use with a vodafone card.

  10. Should have explained it a bit better.

    -Had an EE contract that was coming to an end soon with an old iPhone that didn't work

    -Took out a new vodafone contract at carphone warehouse and they were gunna charge me £20 to set up my phone so I said no thankyou the cheeky buggers, I put my old sim card in as I didn't have time to sort it before going to work, but put the card in in front of them and they said nothing. Result is the phone gets locked to the first sim card you put in it.

    -So now I've come round to swapping to my new sim and it won't accept it.

    -Been on the phone to EE numerous times, vodafone the same, carphone warehouse too, been into the apple shop and no one wants to take responsibility or make an effort to help unlock it for me.

    So am I right in thinking that if I get it unlocked in a less legitimate way it will be jailbroken? :/

  11. Anybody had any experience with the above?

    Been round the houses too many times with each and every bloody phone company. The story goes that I got a new contract with a new network but put my old sim in as I didn't have time and it locked it and the shop I bought it from never warned me of this. No one wants to take responsibility and no company says it is possible for them to unlock it.

    So even though EE for the fifth time have said they'll get back to me if they can see if they can do an unlock somehow I've lost faith with them, so I was looking into a less legitimate way to unlock it so I can use my new sim card.

    Anybody have any experience to share?


  12. I've not said much in here for a while, purchased the mx5 in September with the idea of only having it a month. Now it's january and it's still here! Been pretty trouble free, touch wood, and it has been a hell of a lot of fun in the snow! Only problem is the mpg and the leaking window seals but have been pleasantly surprised with it.

    Here's a crude shot I took experimenting with several things, not my best!


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