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Duncy H

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Posts posted by Duncy H

  1. Awesome work dude, been following your trip on Facebook - seems like you're having a blast :) Not sure if you're on VitalMTB or not, but it might be worth getting an account there and firing up some of those photos. They're way better than the usual POD stuff on there, and you could potentially win a bunch of shit in the Weekly Photo Comp...

    I've put together a photobook type thing of all the trips I went on earlier this year. If anyone wants to check it out, you can here:

    Thanks Mark, I'm not over on vital mtb I'll have to sort it out and check out what's going on with that. Pretty certain that I've got a POD over on pinkbike waiting in the queue.

    I thoroughly enjoyed reading you photobook while I sat down and ate my dinner. Great work (Y)

  2. Made the trip down to Vancouver about a month ago and purchased a 5d mk iii while I was down there as well as a 50mm 1.2 to go with it. It's not easy having just the one prime lens but I'm loving it :) Very happy with the purchase. Some of my more recent shots...









    Sorry about the number of photos I got a bit carried away :)

    • Like 6
  3. The boardmans are a good shout, I picked up a new condition 2010 model for £425 2 years ago and it did everything I needed to get into it. However their geo sits more towards the xc side of things. Most things that are intended to descend will likely cost more money.

    I advise with mountain bikes you make sure you see the bike before parting with cash and take someone that knows their way around a bike. For example from the poor pics of the white one I could tell it has a crappy shimano alvio mech connected to a sram shifter that isn't compatible, the rear mech outer cable is too short and it has a road bike cassette. Looking at the pics of it is guess there'd be a number of other things that would need sorting.

    • Like 1
  4. I'd ask what sort of riding/places had you got in mind? At £500 you may be a bit limited with getting a decent full sus, but that's not to say you can't.

    For that sort of money you could possibly get a nice long travel hardtail which will teach you a lot more and you'd likely get better spec for your money but if you are committed to full sus then you may have to be willing to skimp on the spec with that budget.

    • Like 1
  5. It is indeed Kyle, this i getting spooky now.

    I've had no luck with shooting photos on the few times I've tried, thunderstorms stopped the lift once and the other time the lift got stopped and by the time we got to the spots I wanted to shoot we were getting moved on cause the park was shutting. Still got some big lines/shots lined up for the future though.

    Here's a few anyway.





    Making a trip to Vancouver next week and am hoping to purchase a 5d mk3 while I'm there, prices are much much cheaper here than in the UK. My Dad's willing to go twos on it and I can trade all the gear in I've got out here with me. Hoping to get a really fast prime lens, I have a fish eye I can borrow from a friend and I may be getting a 70-200 f4 dirtily cheap from someone in whistler. :)

    • Like 4
  6. Get the Canon 135L f2. It's an amazing lens, I love it and it's not a bad price for what it is. Way better than the 100mm.

    I'd absolutely love one but it is likely out of my budget. All depends if I can find any decent second hand deals when I visit Vancouver. All Canadian shop websites are pretty naff so it's hard to get a good idea of what's to be had out there.

    A couple I shot yesterday. I have some very big shots/lines lined up with some guys out here, can't wait to shoot them.




    • Like 4
  7. Duncy H, are you with a guy called Ant? I've ridden Langsett with him a few times. Know him through another guy called Kenny. Small world and all that if it is.

    I am indeed, actually sharing a house with him. By kenny do you mean Kenny Wilson? I know him too, small small world.

    Great place whistler, need to go back. Have you tried the ziplines? If so what dya think. If not why the hell not!?

    definitely the tokina 11-16 though, brilliant lens. I happen to have one too if you are interested in buying one

    We've not done the ziplines yet, going to have to at some point. Apparently they're building a crazy zipline that'll bridge the valley between Backcomb and Whistler mountain. Sounds crazy.

    I'd recommend a long lens if you can get hold of one. I'm going to Morzine next month and whilst I probably won't shoot much either (I will be too busy riding too) the lens I'll use most will be a 70-200.

    I do need a longer lens. Max I have at the moment is 55mm. A pal of mine has an f4 70-200 I can borrow but he leaves soon. I was going to purchase one myself but when I return home my dad has an f2.8 is 70-200 so it would then become redundant. I was thinking of purchasing something like a 100mm f2 with the 5d mk iii.

  8. Great shots, makes me think of the kind of terrain that would be in star wars.

    I've been in whistler a few weeks now, not been using the camera a whole lot, mainly cause I'm too busy riding or because I feel outdone by others and their more capable cameras. I seem to be the one coming up with the ideas for shots and then I seem to either be being copied or outdone by the better capabilities of their cameras, anyone else had that before?

    Anyway here's a few of mine so far.







    EDIT: I'm hoping to get a banging deal on a 5d mk iii when I visit Vancouver in a few weeks time :)

    • Like 2
  9. Me and a big bunch of mates went to see it last night, we all got in for free so it wasn't too bad, if I'd have paid to be there to watch it it would have annoyed me. Plenty of potholes and cheesiness but what do you expect i guess.

    Finally watched the Godfather the other night after wanting to see it for a long long time, I enjoyed that.

  10. That route from what I can make out takes in a lot of roadwork which is a bit naff. I'd show you some better stuff round edale/hope/derwent but I'm not around until september :(

    EDIT: Stanage descent is rather wicked though, the one that is kind of a paved track that winds round the descent and not the one that used to be an awesome rough roman road descent that has now been flattened by the council :'(

  11. Been in whistler for a few days now and I am absolutely buzzing off life. Been sending things I'd never have dreamed of in the bike park and did a first xc/enduro ride today which was out of this world good. All the graft of the last 8 months is paying off :D

    • Like 7
  12. As said the wage is pretty crap. The real bonus point being that you can get bike parts much cheaper usually, also generally working with people you share a passion/hobby with and so I find the people great to work with.

    I've been mechanicing for a couple of years and and its not all glits and glamour but it does have its perk.

  13. Vettel made me chuckle at the end, Hamilton obviously gutted but seemed to handle it well. Rosberg was too cheerful though, he knew full well he got blown out of the water this weekend.

  14. The zee rear mechs aren't brilliant, be better off with a SLX or XT.

    I love my zee mechs, I've got them on my dh and xc bikes. However since switching from a zee mech to a xt mech its run gash so I reckon it isn't strictly speaking compatible with certain shifters. I'm going to revert back to a zee or Saint shifter.

  15. Time to sell my Mx5/eunos. I know someone on here had messaged me before about it but can't remember who? Anyway it needs 4 new tyres cause they're cracked otherwise it's all groovey. Had an absolute blast driving out to a spot to shoot photos, think I'm gunna miss it.


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