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Duncy H

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Posts posted by Duncy H

  1. I'd probably say 3mm off the top of my head from what I can remember but don't quote me on that, I reckon it could be done but probably more hassle than it's worth and I don't want to chop away at my new forks.

    I very much agree as a cycle workshop technician (that sounds rather glorified and wrapped in tinsel) in the mtb and road world standard seems to have been redefined to "fit's a few things you can count with the fingers on your hands therefore can be called standard."

    • Like 1
  2. Ha I admire your perseverance! Another problem with that would be having to modify the fork dropouts too as they have a cut out for the smaller diameter axle to slot into which doesn't match the 20mm axle.

    I don't mind forking out (pun intended) for the axle kit it, the problem is no one has stuck or very few people sell them!

  3. It's proving incredibly difficult to get hold of a Chris King axle for my mtb, seriously considering ditching my kings altogether for some hopes. Had this trouble before trying to get hold of King parts.

  4. I have my own camera gear for the first time since I started! I have been lucky enough to have been handed down a canon 7d with a load of lenses as they won't fit my Dad's new 1D. Going to purchase canons new 24mm pancake lens soon.

    Does anybody have any recommendations for a macbook hard drive? I was a cheapskate and bought the macbook with the smallest internal hard drive.

    Here's a few of my recent shots, I know I need to shoot something other than riding.




    • Like 1
  5. Cheers for the input guys, have taken it all in even if I don't reply directly too it.

    Went out today on the high roller 2 dual plys (I bought them last year for a trip to fort william, used them with tubes today) and the bike felt so sluggish and slow in the climbs, in certain parts of the descents they felt more solid like they could take a hammering but took a lot of fun out of how the bike handled. I really didn't like running them, but they'll be of use on occasions where an uplift is involved.

    With that in mind I was going to attempt to run my single ply minions for now tubeless and then go from there. Anybody had experience using oldish tyres for tubeless? I gathered the newer the better in terms of sealing them. I'm not scared of going tubeless cause I've run it for years on the motorbike.

    The sort of terrain I ride can be rocky but not sharp stuff that would worry me about cutting the tyres.

  6. Heyy folks,

    Looking at changing my tyre set up for an endure style of riding (hate the overuse of the word enduro), currently got a set of worn out single ply minions and a set of dual ply high roller 2s (like new but a bit overkill).

    I've recently built up my wheels onto stan's flow rims so thinking of going tubeless. But I'm a bit stumped for what to go for, I do like maxxis tyres as you might have guessed. There now seems to be single ply, dual ply and exo which sits in-between?

    I actually really like the high roller 2s i've got they are just too much for anything I ride on a regular basis. Also choices on compounds? 60a, super tacky 42a or 3c jazz? Again any recommendations? Budget wise I don't really mind if it is worth it.

    Cheers for any help.

  7. Shooting a friends party tomorrow night, I'd appreciate some pointers, I'm nervous to get it right even though it's just a friend of mine but it is his 21st.

    It is going to be in a village hall, I guess it will be fairly well lit, obviously not perfect but better than your average party. First decision is what kit to take. Here's a break down of what I can get my hands on (mostly my dads kit, wish it was mine!):

    -Canon 1d mkiv, crop factor 1.3, suitable lenses: Canon ef f4 24-105mm, canon f1.8 50mm or canon f2.8 is 70-200mm.

    -Canon 7d, crop factor 1.6, suitable lenses: Canon efs f3.5-f4.5 10-22mm, canon 17-55mm f2.8 and the above of coarse.

    -Can't remember the exact flash but I think it's a canon speedilte.

    With the 7d I have a better choice of lenses but the 1d has better iso capability and smaller crop factor and better detailed pics. At the moment I'm thinking the 1d with 24-105 and flash, my concern being that it might not be wide enough in certain cases and also I'll be consuming many beers so the 7d is slightly less more painful if it was for whatever reason harmed. What you reckon?

    Also any tips for capturing it? I've only ever done photography as a hobby for myself. My plan is to try get a lot of varied shots rather than loads of shots that are all very similar. Any help would be appreciated.

  8. Thanks for the feedback, I appreciate it however big or small. Shot these last few days when I borrowed a 1d mkiv. Took some getting used to so not great and it was dark so had to try and compensate with the bike shot. I need to do more none bike related stuff. Booking my Whistler flights tomorrow :D



  9. Heyy folks, not posted in here before, since roughly the start of this year I've tried to get into photography a wee bit, mainly when riding. Here's some samples of some of my shots.







    I have been very privelidged by the fact that my Dad has a brilliant collection of photography equipment so I've not had to purchase anything myself yet. I'm off to Whistler next year for the summer season so need to sort out some kit myself, I'm purchasing a macbook tomorrow which I hope to teach myself photoshop (do most of my stuff in lightroom). I've mostly always borrowed my Dad's Canon 7d which has been great for me although if I'm going to buy myself a body I don't think it would feel right to buy another one for myself so maybe a step up. Anybody have any advice for what to look out for? I can buy anytime up until May when I go away, there's obviously the new 7d mkii which needs to come down in price first, or maybe even a 5d mkiii if they continue to drop in price.

    Anyway enough waffling, I hope I can look back on posts like this and see some progress from these pics. I'm open to any critisism or tips.

    • Like 3
  10. Looks good Mike, from what I remember your previous wheels were pretty gash?

    I've just put some new belts on my mx5, no more squeaky noises :) I really need something more practical with having the bike, the deal for the van fell through so hoping to get insured on my dad navara but not looking forward to the running costs for that :(

  11. Tarty Adam can you help? I've put some new bulbs in the mx5 but now the headlights are stuck up. Been told possibly a fuse or the switch? Don't know where to start with the fuse box cause it's in Japanese :lol:

    Also had any experience with windows? Think my passenger side door electric window cable has snapped.

  12. What's your budget? I advise against a fatty they are only really anygood in certain conditions, which is bad conditions essentially.

    I'd advise looking into the Planet X range, look into the kaffenback and london road. The kaffenback is basically a steel road bike with disc brakes and the London road is a fat tyred, disc braked road bike with mudguard and pannier mounts. It's also got new Sram rival 11 speed on. I believe both can be specced up with flat bars rather than drop bars.

    Other than that I'd suggest looking into cyclocross bikes as they tend to be a slighty more relaxed road geometry while typically running disc brakes with enough clearance for mudguards and/or chunky bobbly tyres.

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  13. Has anyone seen how he lost control? Was it just driver error/the conditions? Limiters could be an idea except I think it could cause scenarios where cars slow down suddenly in a place that's unusual to do so and then find cars hitting them from behind.

    Is it only me that thinks using diggers/tow trucks seems a bit crude after all the safety measures in terms of car designs and safety barriers. I believe they need rethinking a bit, there was the case where that steward lost his life in Australia earlier this year somehow? I always cringe every time they come out.

  14. I'm not so sure about the green flag deal. The angle of the pictures in that write up/story make it look like that Marshall stand is very close but other pictures look like it's a fair bit after which makes it a bit more reasonable to be waving green flags.

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