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Posts posted by weirdoku

  1. What sort of f**ktard designed BB's and BB tools?

    Oh yeah let's make a tool that only fits one third of the way into the BB, so it constantly falls out, or slips out when you put any force through it.

    f**king twat.

    Which BB and tool you using? I've got a SRAM GXP BB with my Omnium cranks and they were piss easy to put on and take off with the 1/2" drive BB tool I got from my LBS. Actually surprised they had one for £10.

  2. It decided to start working offline, and the only thing you could do was use it as a photocopier as apparently the connection for the scanning section of it wasn't connected or some bullshit. Had to bury the end of a USB lead right in the middle of it (why the f**k would you put the port for a USB lead underneath the scanner tray so you have to use a shitload of cable just leading it back out of the printer unit itself?) and reinstall everything just to get it to let me do anything - all the wireless functionality seems to have shit the bed despite it all being connected up fine.

    Ha. I swear I'm the only person that has no issues with printers. I think Muel here has had lots too with all or most of the printers he's had.

  3. Went out to attempt a KOM on Strava, attempt one put me at all time 3rd for this really short segment. Second attempt ruined by this twat who didn't indicate or check his mirrors before turning. That was my closest ever to t-boning a car.

  4. New frameset and crankset. Pure Fix Cycles Keirin Pro frameset and Sram Omnium crankset. Changed from the Dolan I had which was a bit big. This is a 52cm frame and it feels pretty good. Got some adjustments to do here and there. Might change the bars to some kinda horn type bars so I'm bending over the front so much. Weighs about 8.54kg which isn't bad.


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  5. Nevvvaaah.

    Brave man on trying the fret levelling, I played a strat that had been home dressed a while ago and it was dreadful! Unreal how much taking such small amounts in the wrong places can f**k so much shit up.

    They must have done it wrong!

    I'm planning to make some kinda jig thing so I can wedge my neck in centre of two beams with the width of the radius block between them. That way I can just concentrate pushing the radius block up and down the neck without any side movements. I currently have a 20cm long radius block but will probably get a longer one to cover more frets at once.

  6. Too much Fender in here!. Work on these have paused for a while, need to get back to finish wiring the black one and spray the seafrom green (bad lighting) headstock matching colour then a clear coat over. I recently invested in a bunch of tools, fret levelling files, radius files, a set of nut files, straight edge, fret rockers, feeler gauges and other misc bits. I'm gonna level the frets and setup on all my guitars myself instead of getting the shitty local shop guys to do it. Save myself some money too.

    The green one is a 2001 MIJ Ibanez RG7621 with a maple body with a pair of BKP Juggernauts and the black one has an Ibanez Iron Label neck with a northern ash, hipshot bridge pair of Dimarzio Ionizers and a middle Dimarzio Blaze. Both are kinda heavy, which I like. As you can probably tell I'm more of a metal type of player :D

    Full_Size_Render.jpg IMG_1623.png

  7. Been enjoying GTA V on mine actually. Much more enjoyable to play than on my PS4, one of the reasons I barely did the story was it ran like poop. I mainly played it online with friends.

    The game actually runs pretty well. I can have pretty much all settings on very high apart from textures (normal) due to the memory limit on my 660s, which FRAPS says 60fps almost everywhere but I have to lower them to high as I get microstutter which is very annoying to play. Maybe just the effects of my SLI cards but settings in high still looks very good.

    EDIT: This game is odd. Just restored settings to default. Then turned up settings one by one to see which I can turn up without getting microstutter, now I have settings higher than before with no microstutter...??

  8. Comment on the bar angle as well. I thought nowadays everyone has them rolled so far forward I'd look like a twat with them where they should be. But, I liked the video and I'm going to change my bar angle back to how it should be! (Y)

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