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Jordan GU

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Everything posted by Jordan GU

  1. Funky floor & lovely bike.
  2. Im in that picture right at the bottom in brown hoody lol
  3. Looks really really nice Ive always loved the decals on those frames!
  4. No because it says this post has been edited at bla bla bla!
  5. Great pics looked like a really good ride. Love this pic lol
  6. Just shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh lol. Old Leigh is alright to ride, Hadleigh is ok it gets boring but then you move onto King john lol.
  7. Nick you could do that but your forgetting you live up the road to me If I can't annoy you in your threads I'll come to your house lololol.
  8. Niceeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.
  9. Still you can't HAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA. I love this...... Taking the piss out of Nick Pyke
  10. What I ment was you can't even get up a 2 brick wall so you defo can't balance along it!!!!!
  11. [quote name=Nick pyke ' date='May 12 2009, 05:45 PM' post='1882365] ( i love long walls to balance along lol) Are you joking? you can't even get up a 2 brick wall!!!!!! LOL this is revenge for all you anoying posts about me! HA.
  12. O right thanks, do you know how much they are?.
  13. I hate them bars with a passion! they look horrible! lol do you find they ride nice?. Spray the bash ring black or green and it would look alot nicer.
  14. Love it mate! looks extremely nice!. Where can I get them huge Tarty stikers! I cant find them that size.
  15. Hub http://tartybikes.co.uk/product.php?produc...;category_id=86 Rim http://tartybikes.co.uk/product.php?produc...;category_id=26 And random spokes http://tartybikes.co.uk/product.php?produc...;category_id=94 Add it up lol
  16. Really good photos there mate. I love the one where your in the air gapping and the man is in the background lol.
  17. Really good video at 8.34 ish Danny's flip was great.
  18. Seen it before but still love to watch it over and over lol.
  19. I love the Zoo's they look sweet.
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