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Jordan GU

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Everything posted by Jordan GU

  1. I can't remember the mark but cost me like a 10er.
  2. Some really good pictures man. big gaps too.
  3. Ha, no chance The frames are like 400 i think.
  4. Nice few photos, I would love that mod!
  5. This thread is soo huge!!!!!!!!!!!!! record braker? lol
  6. I can't see how thats going to be a problem, lol. Nice video man great riding.
  7. They are lol, I snapped 2!
  8. There so week I broke one in a day!, also luke your not a hard rider so it will last you! lol.
  9. I can tell you what NOT to get, half link chains and gusset tank chain! there so crap!
  10. I can't stop watching this video! its amazing.
  11. Good. http://www.trials-forum.co.uk/wiki/Truing_a_wheel
  12. You got a spoke key? if not smash it back straight lol.
  13. Ive had a gu and a czar I loved them both, but id say czar
  14. Cut a grove in the top of bolt so a flat head screwdriver will fit ?
  15. I am after looks + yes they look wicked lol.
  16. They look really good, would liek to see some with purple backings
  17. Jordan GU


  18. I actualy really enjoyed watchign that
  19. I agree with Adam its Gorgeous Sell me your front wheel
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