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Everything posted by Mockett

  1. she was a small time cam-whore but somehow got on to /b/ (random section on 4chan.org) she used alot of terms like "you trolling" ect and got riped for it. /b/ then went on to ether love her some said she was there queen and some hated her, and as a result hacked everything of hers. it has like everything on chan been blown way out of proportion. some people claim that she is not real and was created by a computer company, but this one of the thousands of rumors going around that have no proof. All we no now is that she/it ceases to be on the internet any more. hope this helped
  2. not to sure on the song and vest but the riding was spot on, loved it!
  3. Mockett

    Building A Bike

    Don't need a bash ring and a bash plate btw.
  4. 155 mother trucker !!!! (bowling) 155 mother trucker !!!! (bowling)
  5. yeah alot of people use them there lighter and give about the same power, but they leak with a water bleed.
  6. With the emergence of alot of 24" bikes over the last few years and more streety stocks it is becoming harder to define a trials bike in comparison to just a hard tale 24. So my question is where do you draw the line and say your just riding trials on a 24" street bike and visa versa (your riding street on a 24" trials bike)??
  7. got to love wilko inertubes

    1. B0LT0N


      do they do 20" ones as i need to pick one up from there?

    2. Mockett
    3. modifiedridah2k9


      tesco do 20" innert tubes for £1..

  8. very good, makes me wont to ride
  9. ill wack a booster on it then
  10. Wont to get a new fr wheel but rely enjoying riding this bike, but its a dob mag so its only a matter of time before it snaps/cracks. Thanks For Taking A Peek
  11. what have you done to your fr rim???
  12. Yes, first time my bike has been fully operational in months
  13. Mockett


    This afternoon is going to be my first experience with the stuff as i an striping my frame, just wondering if you have any do's and dont's and what's your experience of it?
  14. just spent so much money at tarty

  15. what do you mean by competitive, in what way?
  16. very good vid, some of that was on Portland do you live close??
  17. changed to the 17th whos game?
  18. if you can hold out for a few days im up for it because ive got to wait for a few things from tarty then i can ride
  19. its a little old school but always fort this would be a good song for a summer trials vid
  20. 24 Hours And I Will be Sipping A Cold One T NASS

    1. Captain Scarlet

      Captain Scarlet

      Yes boi, I will be there for the weekend too!

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