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Everything posted by eep803

  1. Yeah, I'm not thinking I'll be worrying about mud splats up the back of my pants when I ride trials! I just think they look a bit cooler, give the bike a bit of moto feel. I suppose when I sit on my bike I do sit on the maggy crossover... Anyone trashed their maggy from sitting on it? I made a BB and downtube protector by cutting some black drain pipe down then heated it gently to mould it around the down tube and BB shell. Worked pretty well and put a few strips of inner tube behind for cushioning. Since then I've got better and dont really ding that bit. I may try the same with some guttering for a mudguard.
  2. Have you considered training your mind, not just your body?
  3. Now you say Mission comp, I'm sure it was a Mission Prodigy that I saw. Was a lovely bit of swept up alu in the frame which made the mudguard. Just found one on ebay http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/MISSION-PRODIGY-Tial...=item2557ae2623 I work with some welders so may have a tinker with some sheet alu, the roller, some buffer pads etc next time I'm in the workshop. I like the carbon idea too, I ride a Black Adamant A1 so a nice bit of carbon would match right nice. But as Mikee says, I dunno if I can be assed either. Definately make a nice link with moto trials.
  4. So whats public opinion on those little swept up mudguardy type things on the ashton trials bikes? Do they have a purpose other than style? When I was getting into trialsin and looking at bikes on ebay I saw one with a similar thing but it was in metal and part of the frame which was straight polished metal. Can't remember the bike but I do remember thinking it just looked cool as. I trialsed years ago on my mountain bike and have only just got back into trials purely as a result of seeing THE Danny Mac vid. Rowan Johns vids always look smooth because of the riding style but I think the moto style mudguard lends it and extra cool/streety something or other feeling. Can you buy them and mod them to fit your own frame, has anyone made their own, am I just a bit g*y for wanting to put a moto mudguard on my trials bike that serves no purpose... Skinny
  5. Just a wee note on "pickling paste". Its a tad more than slightly acidic. Its very acidic, a mixture of nitric and hydrofluoric acids, and your skin isn't waterproof to it so if it gets on your skin it soaks right in like moisturizer then burns you from the inside out. Businesses need a license to use it so I'm not sure how easy it'd be to get hold of. But if you do, full spec goggles, gauntlets, apron, no exposed skin etc and a bucket of clean fresh water at hand to dunk yourself in.
  6. Hi, I've had this same problem on an old maggy that was bled with water. The piston expands/swells/gets bigger and then wont return. I found putting it in the freezer made the plastic piston contract more than the alloy body and freed it up to spring out. This may help if you've got the newer maggy which doesnt allow you to poke an allen key through the bleed hole to pop it out. I then lubed mine up loads but as it warmed up the piston stuck again. I never got round to sanding it down and Tarty were doing a full maggy for £50, yes a bargain, and still are! http://www.tartybikes.co.uk/search.php?category_id=72 Since then I've not got round to sanding it and putting it back together but did see that Tarty are now doing replacement pistons and springs. I presume that this will be another way of bringing back a swollen piston to life... ?! http://www.tartybikes.co.uk/product.php?product_id=10987 Am going to chat to Tarty on Monday and if so will order one up asap. Cheers, Dave Ps I dont work for and am not sponsored by Tarty, just think they are the nutts.
  7. Theres not enough real men in the world nowadays, not like when I were a kid anyway.
  8. You can get hole cutters which are used for cutting rectangular holes in metal panels for mounting switches in. They consist of two parts, a square/rectangular hole in a block and asharp edged square/rectangular punch. They are on a threaded rod and when screwed together from either side of the metal will punch out a shape. www.rswww.com do them.
  9. Hi, thats great, I tried a pump but couldn't blow it out, but stuck a thin piece of wire in through the bleed port and pushed it out that way. Theres an O ring half way up the piston and an orange dust seal at the top. The dust seal looks pretty stiff and worn so I may leave that off and try it with just the O ring. I don't figure trials gets half the dirt that trail riding does so it shouldn't wear too much. Cheers for all the help. Skinny
  10. So how do I get them apart? Theres nothing on the piston to grip to pull it out. Theres a rubber seal around the top of the piston that goes in and out with it, is this the piston seal or a simple dust seal? I don't want to go hacking at it with a pair of tweezers or a hooky thing and end up trashing it. Cheers
  11. Hi, sorry, I know this has been fairly well done but I can't quite seem to get mine fixed. I have a pre 05 HS33 which was water bled when I bought it. A few months on and the master piston isn't springing back out all the way so I get pish braking. I've taken it all off the bike, taken off all hoses, cleaned everything etc. The master piston was seized well down the bore so following instructions in the wiki I put it in the freezer and it came back to life with lots of free movement and return springyness. Until it warms up, then back to sticky seizyness. So I pop it back in the freezer, take out, lube, push in and out lots to spread the lube but as it warms up, sticky seizyness again. Repeat 5 times and still the same. Is the donkey dead or is there more I can do? Tarty have some full hs33s on offer at the mo.... Cheers in advance for any help. Skinny
  12. Hi, this is an interesting topic for me. I came to trials from trail riding, I ride trails a lot, jumps, gnarly rocks n roots and have not arm or wrist problems, but I do have 4" of front sus. When I got my trials bike I went hell for leather on it doing 2+ hour sessions on street and ended up with big wrist problems. My physio mate reckons its the muscle insertion points which stabilise the wrists and that they just need a bit of R+R to settle down. I like the comments that it'll get easier on the body as I get smoother, I certainly felt like I was trying to tear the bike apart with uncoordinated movements when I started riding. Lets just hope its soon cos I've been a month off the trials bike and I'm gutted.
  13. Whats the difference between LHM Plus and a standard DOT 4 fluid? Was there a reason why you went for LHM Plus over other hydraulic fluids? Just seen that LHM is a mineral oil while DOT 4 is a synthetic fluid. Does that mean Maguras need a mineral oil brake fluid? Ta
  14. Anyone got some pictures of their homemade efforts? I'm a beginner and after one brief session managed to make a bit of a mess of my frame. I fancy making something up but need some pointers/ideas/inspiration. Cheers
  15. TrashZen is great, I've been using it loads. That youtube vid is awesome, will get round to watching the others too.
  16. Hi Guys, just thougth I'd add my two pennies 'orth as a new member whos bought off this forum from the FS board. I've been a trail rider for ages and a while ago trial rider too so a know a bit about bikes n stuff. I decided to get back into trials and get a trials specific bike so checked out tarty and ebay. Not much happening there in my price range and all ebay bikes were miles away with no postage. On advice from one of your members I joined up, got validated and subscribed to your FS board. Within a week I'd met a local guy who was selling his bike and bought it. Yes I'm a newbie, no I didn't buy it from the new members board and yes I'm happy. I didnt end up buying blind on ebay and if I had of bought blind here I think I'd have felt a lot happier as you guys seem a bit more cosher. Cheers
  17. eep803

    Adamant A1

    My bike
  18. eep803

    Adamant A1

    From the album: Adamant A1

  19. eep803

    Adamant A1

    From the album: Adamant A1

  20. eep803

    Adamant A1

    From the album: Adamant A1

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