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Everything posted by Jake.

  1. Ewwwww brown tyres! You sure they don't offer the same grip? How does colour alter the grip? This is what I was thinking...
  2. You sure? I've NEVER seen ANYBODY with white tyres? Edit: Theres this one 12 year old kid on a bmx that has a white rear tyre... LOL
  3. Worth getting? Or shall I just get the black tryall tyres instead?
  4. Took me about 10 posts... Yeah people usually give you a validate post if you use good grammar!
  5. BUMP = Buy Us Mega Pixels. TOTALLY made up, and is not intended to create any form of humour or sarcasm.
  6. I know a large indoor park that is about 10-20 minutes from Perranporth... Forgot its name though, went there 2 years ago (its a skatepark )
  7. Hello New, All I can say is koxx hydroxx 2 dual disc... I hear it's good
  8. Is it new? How old? It is £200 new, and if this is quite used then no, get it down to around £100
  9. Make your rims stickier for better braking.
  10. [/quote/] Do explian? what was you thinking when you ordered the white stem ben?? woulda been mint with a black stem
  11. Jake.

    Zoo Lynx

    Ooh lol, sorry! How much was it?
  12. Jake.

    Poetry Thread

    (took poem out as it would as it would annoy people) I'm not too fond on this poem, bit old and ... I can't explain it It's just not what I love Thanks for posting it anyways! Sweet! I may have to use this with people who are so lazy they can't spell... Nice twist to the original Now now... How many times have I heard roses are red, violets are blue? The endings okayish... You must be a lovely friend! My name is Jake, you are soooo harsh! Kidding
  13. Jake.

    Zoo Lynx

    Wow nice! But I couldn't help noticing... You have duct tape on your frame at the back? Is this to protect from sidehops?
  14. The frame looks really heavy!
  15. Jake.

    Poetry Thread

    You can write poetry in a form of hatred too, I've done it
  16. I have an Zoo Python 04 it feels so good to ride.
  17. Jake.

    Poetry Thread

    Nobody on this forum does Poetry/Song-writing... ?
  18. Jake.

    Poetry Thread

    Hey, as I'm interested in poetry I'd like to hear what you guys have written It can be anything I'll start of with one of mine : Friendship There must be an angel in heaven watching over me No wonder I can spread my wings so far and free Words of happiness, so tender and true Just the smile upon your face turns the skies blue And added surprise from you everyday Is enough to keep all my troubles at bay If this is a dream, let it carry on And I bless the day our eyes first set upon If i ever had to repay you I would have countless things to do And if I ever said "I hate you", that's just a pitiful lie And I couldn't hate you once, even if I try You're a star, ever so nice You're my own personal Jesus Christ 02/03/09 Dedicated to Harry.B (TrialItAll)
  19. Wow didn't take you long to get into it... Must have had spare cash laying around, lucky for you!
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