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Posts posted by sfboy

  1. If i see any of the ideas i've done here on any other site after this point, i'll rip your bollocks off. :)

    That's not very web friendly, what happened to open source, the GNU and a free internet for all? That compounds the fact that alot aren't your ideas anyway, you've just cobbled together from other websites. I'm not saying there's anything wrong with that as the best coding is adaptive coding (but you probably knew that already) but don't lie and slap copyright notices here there and everywhere.

    To cite but a few of your 'ideas i've done here':

    Video Screenshots - youtube

    Fullsize image preview - same code ebuyer use

    Tagging - youtube/blogging software

    In fact, in the previous thread about trials-shack (why there are now several on this subforum I do not know, I suggested RSS feeds, which you, from the look of this, you had already thinking of. Why? Because most of what your describing are web standards, again there's nothing wrong with that. Just be aware thats not called originality, just novelty.

    Also becareful when using literal AJaX (I presume you're not referring to literary ajax), as you point out it relies on JavaScript which may be disabled or not fully supported in some browsers.


  2. The website was around in 1998, I went to school with the creators, Rob and Joe. I even shared a server with them for a year. In 2003ish Ben (as you call him ' the token ginger kid' - the legend) took over, as Rob and Joe got bored/uni whatever. Bit of a rebrand followed but been 'under construction' for the past year. Ben is 'engageclothin' on this forum, so he probably knows what's going on. Ben now rides mod, dunno about Mike and Jon haven't seen in ages, there used to be another guy on an orange and one on a leeson, 'appy days. I loved the site too, it got me into biking and into this forum.

  3. Right, with summer comming up and having no money to run a car I figure the best option is a motorcycle.

    How do I go about this? I'm 19 with a full car licence but I've no idea!

    Ideally I want to ride a 125cc (MX style road bike) on an 'L' plate, do I just need a CBT? and will insurance be less than £1k. Also for the CBT do I use my own bike, can I ride there? What's the deal? How long does the CBT last (2yrs?)

    Anyway, alot of questions to which I hope some of you know the answer many thanks.

  4. V.Nice Si, I love the thumbnailing, I think you're just been modest that must have been a bitch to implement. I personally hate the lighbox, it's just as crap as the one on ebuyer - is that where you nicked it from?

    A simple thing that would be quite cool and useful is an rss feed for news and new videos, cos I'm feking loving them at the mo.

  5. I seem to have come into possesion of quite a large (huge) amount of legal weed. However I don't know how much to sell it for. I don't smoke, never have, never will.

    So out of interest, how much is a real ounce where you live, you bunch of illegalians? I'll find an average price and half it (Y)

    Yet annother money making concept for me here along with my loan sharking, and 50p metal shapes for pool tables selling at 30p each.

    Isn't that an oxymoron, or is it you that is the moron? You are in possesion with intent to supply and you think that's legal? Jesus.

  6. Mate, don't feel bad, it happens to the best of us. They were obviously jealous of your youth, damn tax paying coffin dodgers.

    As Smo said just ignore them, it'll confuse them, by abusing them back you'll only prove the sterotype they have of you.

    You have my sympathies, but we all have to get over the things that grate on our mind.

  7. Yeah, it is a bit suspect... £4 a year, unlimited webspace, unlimited bandwidth.

    What's the deal? Surely you'll rinse it out in a few days. Or perhaps they expect you'll have given them good feedback by then...

    Actually it's £12 and I haven't got a bad word to say about them, There's no deal, it's just a good offer on shared servers. I think the cPanel is something special; everything is where it should be and with Fantastico they have loads of scripts with automated installation. Anyway, i'll shut up now, just a recommedation, and alot cheaper than the £120 a year you are prepared to pay.

  8. ebay item no. 6055852355 , brlliant hosting, was with them for two years, amazing value. Only moved as they wouldn't renew my hosting for some reason, but may go back as my new host is crap.

  9. A more up to date way of doing it is to use

    $mode = $HTTP_GET_VARS['mode'];

    You could just replace the variable with $HTTP_GET_VARS['mode'] directly, without assigning it to a variable at the top. Thats a bit messy though.

    Always been done that way as far as I remember :turned:

    For future reference, to use $op when calling from a url with ?foo=bar is called a global variable.

    You should never ever be able to do this. Most decent hosts have globals turned off, as its a super high security risk. I wont explain how, but trust me, if a host has globals turned on, i would consider changing just because of that fact.

    And as far as i know, $_GET is still the fore runner over $HTTP_GET_VARS. I use $_GET, as does everyone else i know, and all the code i see uses $_GET. Mainly because coders, by nature, are highly lazy, and $_GET is a lot quicker to type then $HTTP_GET_VARS. :P

    PHP 6 will be phasing out globals, and be disabling them by default, so i would try to avoid using them at all costs.

    Actually, $_GET, $_POST, $_COOKIE, $_SERVER, $_ENV and $_SESSION variables deprecate the old $HTTP_*_VARS arrays and can be used regardless of the scope. There is no need to import them using the global statement within functions.

    EDIT: So that's why globals should be turned off.

  10. Yeah, plus I never used to get data from forms, as long they had the same name tag as the variable. Now I need to use

    $var = $_POST[$var]

    what an arse! I guess it supposed to increase security but it means I need to modify all my pissing code.

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