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Everything posted by Aidan97

  1. Aidan97


    I need some ideas for sections so I was wondering if anyone could give me ideas? Here's something A friend made for me.
  2. in the last few days ive thought about what im doing more and now ive learned gap to front, gap up to front, and a 5 pallet sidehop without falling off.
  3. some good riding there, also do you any pics of this place I need some ideas for my back garden?
  4. some of them gaps to front are pretty impressive
  5. I did that before when side hopping and I got it first time when I tried again
  6. the problem is my determination for things takes over I wont stop doing something until its done, for example a couple of months ago I was practising double blipping over 2 rocks in a row which eventully I done
  7. the only way is to probably get a sponsor
  8. I was thinking of entering a few mototrials competitions for fun It also might give me a better frame of mind and confidence when im riding
  9. thanks a alot for the advice I also do mototrials and its seemed to help me quite a bit. I think ill just take my time and think about what im doing before I do it.
  10. I guess I should stop pushing my self and nail the basic techniques like gaps, sidehops etc.
  11. Thanks for all the advice and help everyone any other advice you might have please tell me
  12. This is what level im at atm and I think by now I should be better
  13. after watching gary mac who's only been for 4 months and ive been riding for 8 months it seems as if im crap compared to the stuff he does
  14. could it be that im pushing my self to hard because my falling technique is ok its just some times it happens too quick to react
  15. for some reason I always seem to fall off and hurt myself. am I the only one because its really starting to become annoying?
  16. Its right next to James cook hospital if you know where that is
  17. Am I the only stupid one on trials forum because I hardly get this.
  18. Just some pics from me and a friend from when we first started last july to now. Feel free to comment.
  19. what was the biggest you could get up the wrong way?
  20. its because im not used to throwing my bike that way Ill just keep trying 4 pallets until im confident I know it seems as if I know im not going to hurt myself but it just feels scary
  21. it seems as if the rider moves too slow, definetly needs improving a bit more
  22. good I thought I was the only one
  23. id stay stick with the 26 considering your size you'd suit it perfect
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