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Posts posted by Culshaw95

  1. Unless they switch back to aluminium or plan on improving their carbotecture material then I don't see Magura reclaiming the crown of the trials riders choice of brake.

    Don't lie to us! Surely not?

    The carbotecture bodies are fine for the brakes its just the lever blade they need to sort out due to the blades being aluminum and they've not used the thickest material due to them trying to make the brake as light as possible. They perform great its just the blade is a let down

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  2. Is this for your mod?

    You are much taller than me, and on my Breath I'm running a 180 x 35

    On the 26. I'm running 180x35 on the mod and that feels spot on but it maybe because i've been riding my mod more so i'm not use to the set up again

  3. You'll gain roughly 1cm of height but lose the same in reach

    Hmm I got it running with no stackers at the moment and i dont really want to be a mass amount of stackers. I need to change a lot on the stock already due to it being rather rear wheel heavy but just cant decide what to do with it since ive built up a mod

  4. I'm currently riding with a 150x30 stem but it feels slightly low to me and it may sound silly but will a 150x35 stem make much difference?I know its just 5 degrees but would it help slightly? i dont want to go and get a 160x30 or 160x35 because i've run a similar set up before

  5. How do you find it compared to the 26"?

    i'm finding things far too easy on it to be honest :L Its quite a nice feeling to be honest as the feeling reminds me of when I first started to do things on a bike. Still hesitating though due to my chain still bedding in at the wrong moments but I wont part with the 26, I'll still be riding that from time to time

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  6. Yeah I originally looked at the details for the 4 Bolt mount as I was thinking of heading that direction but it was a last minute thought of going disc and didn't think to read the description for it.

    My bad for a bit of a pointless post here but cheers for giving me the answer

  7. Received my Trialtech Sport Lite forks and noticed a weld leading up the fork. I don't know if there's actually any reason for the weld to be there but it seems unnatural and looks as if its a machine fault. Has anyone else got it? I've noticed on the images on Tartys of both the 20" & 26" forks they have it also but then it could just be me being picky


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