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Posts posted by customrider-Rhys

  1. if your gonna go to a new hs go for the hs33! there stronger, not made of plastic so will last longer! dont bleed with water though! i was told today that they actually have more power than an 05/10 maggie due to there lever postion with a 2 finger lever, and my mates 4 finger lever is silly powerfull!

  2. lets face it you've tried it all, you either have to accept the bb is dead, but your best option is to run a tap through it to re new the threads then the bolts should go in fine! from you video though it looked like you ripped some threads off?!

  3. Like the idiot general public... Surprises me the amount of times I've actually been told to "oil my brakes" because they're squeaking..

    i used to reply 'ok then ill do that then you ride it and see if you can do the same as i just did, im not risking it'

  4. there was a comp local to me last year, opted for expert level which was good, did some rock training to get me ready, but nothing could prepare us for it, the night before it rained and left us with rocks covered in wet moss that was slippery as anything, and mud everywhere, nothing was high it was more about getting around it, it was all tech lines! but you had to be nibble and light as a feather on the moss else you bike was gone! great fun though

  5. as danny said everyone's different so your best bet is trying a load on and seeing what feels best, ive got a met crossover and im very impressed, nice styling, light, fits well and is well priced

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