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jack dickinson

Blacklisted Trader
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Posts posted by jack dickinson

  1. Whats the front tyre? Maxxis what?

    And why is there no more info on that Giant? 1 photo in the whole world? Ive got the Trial Mag it was featured in :)

    Its a maxxis synper bmx racing tyre. I run one on my bike and its ok. Not as good as a kenda but they are a bit cheaper

  2. My echo sl forks didnt break for almost a year and theu were second hand. I did gap to fronts. Up to fronts. Hooks (not many though) and yet the forks were fine. But as soon as i did a few drop to two wheel they shot off into the distance

  3. I usually get out the car,jump on my bike,do a tiny gap then slip a disc...if I'm really unlucky its a new one.

    I don't think people realise how much trials kicks the shit out of your body. I'm 32 this year and now forced to quit thanks to multiple disc issues in my back.

    Get stretching boys and girls!

    Dynamic streching*

    Also what even is a dic? Ive heard of them and i think there in the lower back but thats it

  4. if street comps started it wouls get more people in the sport itself because not as many people will see a comp in a feild but if its street they will.

    Thanks Iain, thats made my day and thats after a great comp in the sunshine today with people having a laugh and a smile.

    If you want (probably not for the armchair organisers) my thoughts as someone who enjoys the organising and putting on a trial for the last four years in Scotland and three for British rounds in Scotland. If I get one comment like Iains above then that is more than enough to make all the hard work worth it and some people do.

    Taping is extremly difficult with so many routes in each section, but it has been noted about the cheaters (thats my opinion) who dab around an obstical. Have a go and if you cant do it then so be it, go practice more!!! From experiance (Fort William and Aviemore) to set up the man made sections takes a huge amount of time an a big digger or two and thats not even in a city centre. Unfortunately we live in a country that is so against things like this and the elf and softies brigade almost make it impossible to organise. (I have tried up here and the guys that tried Newcastle last year?) It is I think on the change now.

    From experiance (not in Scotland as its a small club and its kept fun and I just tell them to get on with it) I hear at trials is: take your pick here

    suits 20" or 26" sections

    Its set up for left footers/right footers.

    to hard to easy to muddy to tight to big to long bla bla bla.

    I turn up with my lads and have a laugh, occasional moan (we do get it wrong as its bloody hard to set up a multi route section to keep everybody happy all the time)

    say thank you to the organisers for all their hard work and drive home.

    This country seems more happy to complain than enjoy whats been hard work for a few people to give you a day out on your bike with your mates. I see numbers going down in my short time with trials and I have my opinions on that. But look at European events 100+ entries and one of the main difference I see is attiude.

    I hear the comments about pushy parents a few times recently, I maybe one but I hope I am not. Question? what do kids with no means of doing what they want todo in any sport that costs money and travel do, if their parents do not help them out. I was good at motor bike trials and my parents gave me no help whatsover, but I was lucky to meet a crowd of older trials guys who chucked me and my bike in the back of the van and took me to trials until I was old enough to get a job and fund my own sport. My dad came to one event in all my years of riding and that used to bug me, until someone lately said it was him that missed out, as he has not had the experiance, the joy and the fun with his kids as I do with mine. Any sport they want todo is fine by me and would get my all in support as long as they enjoy it. Some parents are happy to spend £1000 on a bike just to get rid of them as often as they can. Mike and I used to load up the car and van and take these guys to comps in the beginning as thats what someone did for me.Some are still riding some are not. Where do the next top riders come from if it isnt from the parents doing everything they can to help. British cycling have no setup like other countries to train these riders up and by all accounts have no future interest in trials. So maybe come along smile, enjoy the comp, be amazed at the up and coming kids level of skill and dedication and even maybe offer some other kid a chance to live a great, small stream, friendly sport. Who knows he may go on to world level and say thanks one day to the guy who helped me out when I just started.

    You need to go to Football, karting or Schoolboy motocross to see pushy parents, I do not see much in the way of pushy parents in trials encouraging yes pushy ?

    Schoolboy MX a few yeras ago I was near to a parent who said quote: Ive just spent over a £100k on a f*****n motorhome and f****n two bikes for you not even to get on the f*****n podium your just wasting mum and my time and Ive f****n worked hard to get you all this for you to waste it all. He went on like this for several minutes with this young kid in tears. Yes he wanted to ride his bike but probably just with his mates in a field somewhere. Look at some of the you tube videos about Lorreta Lyne MX for pushy parents. Trials perhaps not. Just my thoughts and opinions, but maybe with more positive thinking, then maybe trials will be on the up and head into the future in a new direction with what the riders want with more people making the effort to give to a great sport.

    OOPS had a rant again.

    sorry but i got through the first paragrph and then got a headache. btw(this applies to everyone) if you post has to be put into paragraphs then its to long

  5. jack and dan pretty much said what i meant,didnt think about dynamic stretching though,but thats kinda what you do when just moving to warm up :)

    edit:dammit,did igot caught by that profile pic running gag thats apparently going on here?


    well you do dynamic streching on your bike so evidently the answer is to start on small stuff and procgress

    To warm up Jack Dickinson aka stevie wonder boils the kettle and pours it over him prior to going out riding.

  6. Out of interest, why's that? I haven't really looked into any of this stuff, but all the way through school and any sport-related stuff I've done teachers/trainers have hammered home the importance of warming up by doing various stretches...

    EDIT: Should probably point out that we're talking about things that happened 5+ years ago here, so I don't know if they've found out more recently than that that it's bad for you...

    what he means is dont do any static streching, just to dynamic streching. the reason being is the same as why sprinters only do dynamic strectching.

    static streching opens the muscles and means you canit engadge them as fast so you wont be able to go as big, and for sprinters wont be able to run as fast.

    dynamic stretching warms the muscle up and stop you pulling anything etc that why sprinters do it.

  7. you have had that bike for 4 years but it look almost new. how?

    And I see you run your snail cams outside the frame. Can one do the same on any frame?

    no, but its a good ides because it means you dont have to machine down you spacers

  8. Damon used to run heatsinc yellows on a smooth rim. I prefer a light grind but everyone seems to have different experiences with pads.

    I used to run them with a light grind and they were good but then i smothened my rim and added tar and my brake could only be described as leathel

  9. well i do it in the shower works a treat.

    my mate used to do a cup bleed, (its where you have to take the lever blade off for 05 maggies) but he would take a sip of water then put it into the brake using his mouth

    Avatar is confuzzling, change it

    wtf i thought it was dan all this time

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