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Everything posted by mink

  1. mink

    The New Messenger

    Does anyone get what the nudges or the winks are about? Very random...
  2. If you do Maths and Physics any Maths you do in Physics is so simple that it's a piece of piss. Physics will involve logarithms and perhaps integration and differentiation (all quite tricky to get the hang of), which are all covered in Maths in much more detail than you'll ever need in Physics. I know lots of people who did Physics without doing Maths but they compliment each other quite well. Basically Maths makes physics easier but isn't essential.
  3. Wasn't it Ryan Smith, Dannys little brother? Weezer - Haven't heard anything by them for a while but they were ok 6/10
  4. mink

    Mini Seats

    You can get rid of the stuck on stuff using a solvent like petrol.
  5. mink

    Bike Pics

    Finally got a proper trials frame. Great thanks to Tartridge and Tomm for the loan of the forks and cranks :-
  6. My first attempt at photoshoping summat.
  7. mink

    Rb Levers

  8. mink

    Rb Levers

    Have you plished your cylinder yet? Do you have my dremel?
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