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Clerictgm mk2

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Everything posted by Clerictgm mk2

  1. Krzysztof Możejko - Colour your Streets
  2. You may get defective ones so they'll lasts you a week. Why do you want ti axles? Why just not to buy lighter pedals?
  3. You and your skill > bike. I don't really care about geometry and stuff. +20 BB or +30. Just ride more. Geo is a double-edged sword. If you move to trials you'll get worst in streety moves. So as we ride street-trials it's not so important. Now I miss my Marino, despite of it was cracked, re-welded, a bit curved at chainstays, on hardly worn parts and costs a penny.
  4. Where is sheathmounts on that frame? How can you kill a bear while riding without sheathmounts?
  5. Calm down, kid. You have Attention Deficit Disorder or what? Why you can't communicate politely?
  6. You avatar, man. Arny was better. About Hope.. hm.. warranty usually are headache of the dealer, so I've had no idea that it's possible to just email to Hope and solve the problem. You can count companies with that relation to customers on the fingers of one hand.
  7. You are the kind of person that's not too smart. My friend has to do replacement. Mine are still rideable. And I didn't know that Hope cares about riders so much they send bearings all over the world.
  8. Loled, I really want to see at angry british teen IRL, so come on. Come here too! I like you, you are funny. Little angry internet kid. If it's truth it's awesome.
  9. >have job, house, car, children, shed full of bikes Who said I don't have all this? I don't really care what others think about me, but all this noise is pretty childish. There are no need to take all directly and so serious. Anyway about bearings you are mistaken. Come to Russia (not through UA airspace of course) at winter and we'll show you that cold is really nothing special. There are even afro-Russians(?) living here and no problem.
  10. Have you tried to come up with a new joke?
  11. I don't see logical faults in my statements. I born and live in Russia. Climate of my city is not so warm (record low -55 C) and -30 are nothing special at winter. So I'm happy to use bikes, motorbikes and cars in this conditions. I and my friends have real experience of riding at winter at bicycles of any kind and we never had a single problem with bearings, sealed or not. NEVER. I think you know that real experience>than any kind of theory? Also >Russia is far enough away from me not to have people like you bothering me all the time this is how "The most civilized and humane people of the world" communicate? Lol. Ethnic intolerance and some few other types of intolerance are a direct sign of a weak mind.
  12. That's seems to be a reason. I don't have anything against Hope. Their parts gave me hope to ride calmly and not to care about replacements and repairs every single month. Also a hope not to die/get injured because of skipping/breaking of not so reliable modern trials parts. My hub is rather OK than not, I'll service bearings to be sure. But my friends hub is already need new bearings, that's sad.
  13. >cold as f**k 1) Someone need to learn school course of physics and geography. 2) At winter I ride indoors where are pretty warm (since I've got an Inspired). So even if we are stupid and think that CRAZY COOOLD affects bearings nothing will happen to them because of CRAZY COOOLD. But previously I was riding at winter outdoors. My Echo TR hubs lived in this CRAZY COOOLD conditions for 2 years and I ride with them even in -36°C. So you want to say that ECHO>HOPE? Catalogue chineese shit>than legendary made in UK parts? CRAZY ROOOOFL. Furthermore my old cheap like hell shimano chineese shit bike have not a single problems and rides awesome in CRAZY DEADLY COOOLD Russian winter.
  14. I'm riding not the 1st day and have had hubs that are 5+ years old. And they doesn't have problems like that. This is not normal when legendary hub needs new bearings in just 1 year. I thought it was obvious.
  15. How the f*ck bearings on legendary HOPE hub may worn/break in 1 year? Even chineesish and shittish hubs for $5 doesn't have this problems.
  16. My friend has defective bearings in this hub. He bought it 1.5 years ago brand new. Now his hub are spinning like shit, crazy rolling resistance. Unrideable. Is there are systematic defect or what? Also my 1 year old hub are also has some strangeness: when I spin axle with my hand there are vibration and absolutely not smooth spinning. WTF?
  17. He's a human, current president of Russia. Lol, what are you want to know? He's not someone who you can describe in one sentence. Question is too common, try to ask something more specifically. In general he's very smart, very rich (because of his intellect) and powerful. He's a good leader that done really much for country. Also it's must be obvious for you that power of president may vary very much, depending on alot of factors. For example Poroshenko is not a president, he's a puppet, that sucks balls of Ukrainian oligarchs and US (they suck US balls together). There was no revolution on Ukraine. Revolution (from the Latin revolutio, "a turn around") is a fundamental change in power or organizational structures that takes place in a relatively short period of time. What was happen on Ukraine is just a coup d'état obviously supported by US and they faithful dogs. Also supported by stupid infantile people that thinks if UA became a part of EU it would be paradise right off the bat. It's not that easy to rise quality of life of whole country. It's a very complicated process that will take decades and also may fail. I don't know why this idiots think that EU membership are rising their quality of life. They think like children. The most stupid in this situation was people (not mercs, ideological dumbs) that was jumping on Maydan for this "revolution" getting as a result total crash of UA economics, loss of the territories, causing this "war", tens of thousands of dead, injuried people, hundreds of thousands of refugees that for some reason flee to Russia, not in EU and US. And now they're really surprised by fact where they stupidness led them.
  18. Well, at least someone on TF knows something about pedals. Don't know why there are this stupid stereotype "plastic pedals are poo, no grip in wet, you smash'em in one ride".
  19. Because people are changing. Few years ago I was ready to move in UK/Sweden but now I realize that there are nothing to do for me there except of riding some cool spots and enjoy the architecture. I'm not so big to start a business there. And I see myself rather like a tourist, not like a local. Also I started to sort out politics, propaganda as well. So yes, US and Russia are enemies. They want to rule the world and was pretty successful, but times are changing. Let's just say that the worst thing in the world are stupid people that do what they are told and believe in any single word of their mass media/government. People who don't use their brain for its intended purpose. Because of that stupidness we have what we have: this victims of war. Ask yourself: will you be happy if someone just for nothing kills your family? This is real people just like you dying and losing their friends and family, losing meaning of life, suffering and all this shit just because bunch of rich and powerful bastards are fighting for power and resources. Humanity on planet Earth? Never heard of.
  20. 1) I was crazy mistaken. Because of shitty propaganda from some pro-west bastards (if you only knew what shit they pour in your ears. An example: http://fakty.ictv.ua/images/general/images/60Maidan/9dc4d5e2811a06f6f3d91c1b8b8d5480.jpg ) and few stupid friends. The real situation is: for me Russia is the best place in the world to live in. Nowhere in western countries top by quality of life you don't have real freedom, you don't have so much opportunities. And there are no big difference in US and Russia quality of life at all, how some idiots trying to prove it. If someone interested in how deals are really in Ukraine/Russia/World relations I'll answer. Shorty: US bastards wants more and more power. Russia is defending. US are aggressor that are talking one things and doing absolutely another. Also in year 2014 there are no such things like humanity and stuff. UN are a bunch of clowns-puppets. This is really bad. Thousands of people died and will die in this "war" on Ukraine. Some of them are my friends and relatives. Snowy? I don't care, as I said I'll buy a house in Crimea. My city is for business, Crimea is for vacation. Yes there are 5-months long winter in my city, but really it's not a problem considering how much money I making here and the ability to live 2-3 months of winter in some warm place. 2) Statistics is the best way to estimate the real durability of pedals. Have you tried plastic pedals? I'm not before this ones. So trying is the best way to find out if they're good or not. First experience - they are awesome. Same grip, more comfortable (bigger than TRs). Two things to worry about is how long they will survive and grip in wet/snowy conditions. But anyway I ride 90% of time in dry weather.
  21. It's personal. For me 165 is unrideable and 170 are awesome. I think you rather will hate 165 after 175.
  22. One more thing about Russia. It's really stupid to say It seems like someone have not graduated from school, because if he is, he should know that Russia is Largest country in the world (now even larger, lol, because Crimea is included, and maybe soon part of Ukraine will be included too) and it includes 3 climatic zones. So it's nearly as stupid as saying something like "Earth is pretty cold and snowy place". You're talking like I don't need one. There are absolutely no problem with grip, bashing concrete (of course bashing concrete are far more effective with metal pedals but is it a main goal in trials to bash concrete?). You'll break shitty axle of echo pedals much sooner than something bad happens to your plastic pedals.
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