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Posts posted by marg26

  1. On 20/02/2021 at 2:41 PM, Ali C said:

    The main selling point to me is a rather large garden at the back which backs up against fields so the view is nice (it’s at a top of a hill) not a south facing garden though but beggars can’t be choosers. Having grown up with fields and hills I have been finding living in a busy city pretty challenging (and depressing at times) so being more out in the country would be really nice.

    Similar situation, grew up in the countryside too, but have been living in a town basement flat for nearly 8 years. Nowhere to properly maintain bikes, no proper workspace, very limited storage for tools/bike-parts/etc so really frustrating. Only outside space large enough to spend time in was the mankiest pigeon shit covered courtyard and a health risk. Then last year we found our first place, but needed some work, ie new kitchen, central heating upstairs, etc. All tradespeople were so busy (which then delayed other jobs) it wasn't until December we finally moved...

    This weekend due to weather, was the first weekend where we could actually spend time in the garden, really nice and sunny down here. Tidied some of the rubbish up from the work we had done. Built the kids a mud kitchen, rode my bike on some palettes and lumps of concrete etc. Honestly, it was brilliant!

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  2. Got a 2nd monitor and two wall mounts (with some tilt/rotation) delivered today. Had been toying with getting a 2nd 27" screen until I realized there's nowhere near enough space under the stairs. Eventually made the decision to get a 22" screen and rotate 90 degrees. Only requirements were IPS for viewing angles, and minimal frame. Image shows the Arch Linux system shutting down past the point where all the display stuff is running hence lack of rotation on 2nd screen.

    Now I can see five sixths of my twin HD displays at work while working from home rather than just two thirds of it (guesstimated proportions).

    I've got 3 RPis, a 2, 3, and a 4. Currently only using the RPI 3 running OSMC/Kodi, accessing media off NAS drive, Plex cloud server, Iplayer, ITV, Prime, etc. Soldered a IR receiver to it (actually to a header) (can pick these bits up for a few quid) and software set up to read an old TV remote control I found laying about otherwise doing nothing.

    Used to have a HiFiBerry DAC+ sat on top of it but no longer have a HIFI. Once setup DarkIce to stream media from my desktop to it over the LAN to avoid an addition cable from desktop to hifi. Didn't really use it that much though. Toddlers threatened to destroy the HIFI so it went into storage.



    Annoyed I didn't manage to get the two screens perfectly aligned along that top edge though. I did try!

  3. You're progressing well. I'm jealous of the wheelie hops as I have not cracked them yet (although only recently tried due to fear of looping out). I guess it also pays off having guidance from someone knowledgeable.
    Last month I dreampt I was riding around doing wheelie hops about the size of that rock without too much trouble, which gave me a little psychological boost and motivation!

    What's with the big black borders around your recent video's though?


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  4. The way you and Tom ride the Alias, and the way they look too, really makes me want one. I have been wanting to try a 20" for ages now but never have. I wouldn't do them justice. I don't know how I'd find them after coming from a 24" Inspired Console. Just want to try a different trials bike to see what they're like. Will be in the dog's house if I get one anytime soon though unless it's cheap as chips. My last bike MTB I did piece by piece.

  5. Not an actual riding pic. Been a beginner over 2 years. Maybe too old to start learning new tricks. Found this difficult to clean. Get up to rear on other side of mini palette and hop onto concrete flowerpot. Tried many times and only got it once then my lunch time was over.


  6. It's been a long time since I read about the treadmill/plane thing, but flight of a plane is all about speed the wings move through the air nothing to do with the speed that the tread mill would push it's wheels round unless the treadmill is pulling air along with it. I CBA to look. Just tell me if I'm one of those people.

  7. Ok I admit I felt disappointed with my last post in this thread in the could this cause death if tried department, so here's the spots I was more thinking of when titling the thread but have only just got round to photographing.

    Please excuse terms used to describe spots.

    Spot#1 I'd like to see Sam Pilgrim ride full send, bomb drop from wall up top.





    And this trials line at the top in the car park, just take a broom/spade for dog shit and broken glass etc.


    Spot#2 various death options, from death gaps, death drops, and stairs-to-steep-death-wall/ramp.






    Final spot, a death gap drop onto skinny wall for the pure trials riders.






  8. On 14/12/2020 at 10:47 PM, marg26 said:

    I like that almost pointless thing at 2:50, keeping the front wheel pretty much at the same height throughout from wheelie until hook up.

    I've only just clocked that he's lifting his rear wheel over that plank of wood, so not pointless at all. Not sure why I didn't see that.

  9. I don't get how people can just live with themselves saying things like "I've been learning trials for 30 seconds" and then go do a 3mile long manual into a tap up 12ft wall and foot jam tail whip720 off a double decker bus and then up-to-front a pine tree. Gah I hate those people. I could barely ride a bike when I started trials*.  *not exactly true.

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  10. Talking of controversial....

    Tricks & Stunts - Honestly I've tried watching it, but I've just never managed more than 15 or 20 minutes. I'm sure it was great in it's time, and it's often touted as some sort of instructional video but it's 2020 now and I'm in my 40s and I haven't got time to sit through that low video quality and fake moustache nonsense. There are actual trials how-to's now (though not enough need more). I'd rather watch top/mainstream contemporary trials riders training sessions/vlogs any day and see what's going on now. Sorry.


  11. Death spot #1 - up onto high ledge and drop off - I imagine it might be a hook, but quite narrow up there, not convinced it is doable. If it is doable it won't ever be for me.


    Death spot #2 - probably not that death, just needs a bit of speed and a big hop with enough momentum to keep rolling up. Manual drop off. Certainly not going to tackle it myself anytime soon.

    Death spot #3 - not death if you can do it, but I can't. Like to think I might be able to one day. Also bigger blocks left background.

  12. Post a picture of a spot that you want to ride but it's just too big for the skills you have. Obviously needs to be a bit more interesting than just a wall. Maybe you see it has potential but you just don't know what could be done with it if only you had the skills to hit it? Is it too death? Could somebody ride it?

    Just need to get some photos now...



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