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Ali C

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Posts posted by Ali C

  1. I have rather a lot of music on my computer but not the actual cds, so having a cd player in my car isnt really practical.

    I am wanting an mp3 player around 5 gig, any reccommendations? I also need it to fit in my car, can any normal player fit? if so what cables would I need?

    cheery o

  2. mine is currently sitting in pieces after the left tab snapped off (the bit the fork sits on), its proving to be a royal pain in the ass to get a new part.

    I dont blame it for breaking though, it happened when my forks snapped at the disk mount and flexed forward, not many hubs could withstand that.

    I am sure mine cost me more like £20?

    lol, its been a while since I have seen this topic.

    I have an update on my hub too, it turns out bike dock lied about what hub I got!

    They advertised it on their site as an am classic, but in fact it was a GREY CLASSIC, my bike shop hadnt seen one of these for years and as far as they knew were no longer made (true?)

    I now have a PROPER am classic 140 disk hub, had it for a few months without any problems.

  3. I love to make my bike as light as possible, but I still would never use that chain even if I was given one.

    I have hurt my self too much from broken chains, its just not a place I am gonna try to save weight.

    it does look prettly cool though

  4. it seems only having a topic about fave things has upset the balence of the world, if I dont do somthing about it, we will all die!!

    soooo, whats your worst, sound, smell and texture?


    1)polystyrene being crushed

    2)babies crying

    3)angle grinders

    4)landing hard on bash

    5)someone else having dirhoeea (sp?)


    1) dog shit

    2) clothes after a smokey bonfire

    3) wet dogs

    4) wine

    5) people with bad bo


    1)wool on paper


    3)dog hair

    4)wet logs


    there, be gratfull I saved the world! (Y)"

  5. whats peoples top 5 Sounds, Smells and textures?

    I'll start off


    1)bmx tyres on ramps

    2)that slurping noise that whipped cream makes when it comes out of the can

    3)cats purring

    4)the boinging a chain sometimes makes on a trials bike

    5)the turkey noise some disks make


    1)new tyres

    2)burning matches

    3)cooked bacon

    4)a summers day

    5)spray paint





    4)basket balls


  6. I am picking up my new mpv at the weekend. It has a lot of windows and as a little security precortion I would like to tint the windows with sheets I have seen on ebay (to protect contents inside the car when left).

    What I want to know is, how easily can you see into the car with them? and can you see from the inside out? as I will have passengers in it, but I want them to be able to look out, but people outside not to see in.

    ta raa

  7. I have been learning them today, I eventually managed to get 9 pallets to both wheels, almost to rear.

    I think what helped me was going as fast as I dared, its scary but going faster really does help (I like to pedal up btw, not bunnyhop)

    Get the front wheel just over the top, that way the pedals dont hit as much, and get all your weight forward!

    good luck with them

  8. how often do you take out your inner tube to find its full of water? never! The same with tubles, if its sealed, how can water get in?

    and dave, when Mike said it can fold more, he means the trye can fold over without burping air, it wont fold over mcu more than a tubed set up (might fold a teeeeeny weeeeeeny bit more due to thinner sidewalls cos of no tube)

  9. Alastair Clarkson

    From west yorkshire

    hopfully on my new Global ti rig.

    seems I am camping, but I only found out I am going the other day :unsure:" lol I might even be able to drive!!!! woooohoooo I will get a matresse in me van (need to buy it first lol) and I will watch all you suffer out on the hard floor mmmmwwhahahahahaa

  10. unlucky about the fail dude, dont let it get to you though, learn from it for next time.

    I particually hate comming up to lights when they have been green for a while, always makes me nervous.

    I had about 27 lessons, possibly more than I needed, but I had never driven a car before I started them so I was a complete beginner. I passed with 3 minors a month ago.

    Just make sure you look in your mirror ALL the time! (more than you look ahead sometimes lol)

    keep plenty of space infront of you.

    use your indicators, better to use them than not.

    keep speed safe, if your going the right speed, you can deal with anything. (where I got a minor)

    dont forget to check your blind spot (where I got a minor)

    dont over rev the engin or let it splutter (my third minor)

    I hope you pass next time (Y)

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